During an interview on Friday on CNN, Hussar Ayloush, a spokesman for the Los Angeles chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations or CAIR, boldly stated that America bears some of the blame for the bloody wave of Islamic extremism that brought terrorism to San Bernardino, Paris and other locations around the world.
As much as you might want to disagree with everything he said, it’s hard to deny that there’s some truth to that statement. Ayloush said that American foreign policy has helped fuel the rage that drives Muslim radicals to kill in the name of their faith.
Let’s examine that statement. How often has American foreign policy involved using our enemies to topple regimes or take out foreign leaders? Even before the disaster that is the Obama Administration armed the Syrian rebels that would later become ISIS, our government has been doing the same exact thing.
Chris Cuomo, the host of the CNN show that featured Hussar Ayloush had nothing to say in response. Though some of Ayloush’s observations about American foreign policy are correct, the cause for extremism doesn’t lie on America’s shoulders alone.
See who’s really to blame on the next page.
Get the$#%&!@*out of here.
Correction: Obama bears the responsibility you claim.
He Is NOT America.
CAIR needs to be removed from America ! They break our laws, but we are at fault ? They need to take their twisted ways back to the Middle Easy where they belong , they do not belong in a civilized Nation ! Raping women and young children is a criminal offense here ! They need to folow OUR LAW OF THE LAND , not us follow their Sharia Law ! That is nothing more than Satan Worshipers spreading their hatred and violence on innoocent people ! Murdering Christians in cold blood is not acceptable here in the United States and should not be tolerated by Anyone ! Islam has been a thorn in America’s side causing the deaths of innocent people for very uncivilized reasons .We need to take America back fron these monsters as it will only get worse !
Imagining sound of wood bat repeatedly striking his head . . .
Now imagining aluminum . . .
WTF is this this organization still doing here….. been listed as terror support group forever……linked to Hamas and hezboullah. ….defunct this group…. imprison their officers…. send em to Gitmo….. oh that’s right, our traitor in chief is decominishing Gitmo……send them to the gallows
I have one responsibility, to rid the world of people exactly like you, hussar
Look ayatollah assaholla,shut your goat humping face
Tell this savage muslim piece of trash to GO HOME!!! Back to whatever hellhole nation he came from and leave US soil!
B******t, islam bears all responsibility for any terrorist attacks
They call him nimrod…