During an interview on Friday on CNN, Hussar Ayloush, a spokesman for the Los Angeles chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations or CAIR, boldly stated that America bears some of the blame for the bloody wave of Islamic extremism that brought terrorism to San Bernardino, Paris and other locations around the world.
As much as you might want to disagree with everything he said, it’s hard to deny that there’s some truth to that statement. Ayloush said that American foreign policy has helped fuel the rage that drives Muslim radicals to kill in the name of their faith.
Let’s examine that statement. How often has American foreign policy involved using our enemies to topple regimes or take out foreign leaders? Even before the disaster that is the Obama Administration armed the Syrian rebels that would later become ISIS, our government has been doing the same exact thing.
Chris Cuomo, the host of the CNN show that featured Hussar Ayloush had nothing to say in response. Though some of Ayloush’s observations about American foreign policy are correct, the cause for extremism doesn’t lie on America’s shoulders alone.
See who’s really to blame on the next page.
A subversive, terrorist supporting organization with one goal! One goal! That goal is to implement sharia law in the U.S. Period.
CAIR needs to go back to Islam. They are not here for the welfare of community relations, they are here to take over and make all of us Muslims. Council Against Indigenous Republics.
CAIR supports terrorists, maybe they should vacation @ GITMO for a few years so they could commune with their buddies and get better adjusted with their sick world! Sorry no sheep!!!
The enemy speaks. More proof to evict them from our country.
Then it is time for the American people to take action
F**k all Muslims
Only Islam is responsible for not policing itself and not condemning the action of radicals
get stuffed ya goat humping terrorist! WE OWE YOU NOTHING!
Ban Islam start mass deportations….either assimilate or be deported as well as cair being listed as a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION