Judicial Watch has been an incredibly successful advocate for freedom and liberty. Using lawsuits to force the federal government to release documents under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) law has been one of the the group’s signature and most effective weapons in penetrating government coverups.
Government agencies are required to respond in a timely manner to FOIA requests. This frequently doesn’t happen, or the agencies are often less than forthcoming with all the relevant materials. Of course such agencies are prohibited from releasing classified or otherwise confidential information, so those materials are exempt from FOIA requests. Nevertheless, there is much embarrassing or otherwise revealing information that should be available to the public, and it’s often Judicial Watch that goes to court to force compliance.
Some of Judicial Watch’s activities have placed them in the center of the controversy over Islamic terrorism. More on this on page two.
CAIR = Terrorists
Dangerous seditious DOPE
We as a people failed the people of the world and in our own country under our constitution. We the people have the power the power to put a stop to this. But no one in our country is willing to accept the responsibility for what our government has done.It’s like being on the job and something goes wrong and its always that person not me seems to be the one who screwed up. That’s why I’m asking to get my message out.And why I’m willing to accepting the responsibility for our government actions are you.If there was ever a time to erase some of our country’s sins that our government has committed now is the time.We will never get this chance again WE ARE THE PEOPLE and we need to but a leash around our government neck.Take a good look my fellow Americans my brothers and sisters on whats happening in our country and around us. And then look at your children your spouse your brother and sister and everyone around you is this what you want for them.If we don’t come together and unite as a nation this is what the future we will leave for our children and our families.Is this what you want a future of evil for them to grow up in.We allway say if you can make a difference it would be worth it.Well now is the time to become one and one for all and if we don’t take this big step out of the box we live in now we have truly lost our way of life.So i call out to all of my fellow Americans my brothers and sisters time to start standing up for the future of our country. We are the people and it’s time that we were heard and not suppressed by the big companies and our government.They are trying to eliminate all natural sources so they can rule us and wipe us out. The time is apon us to make a stand and come together and take our country back.The law of synchronicity is operating at the moment.Things will happen in time,manner and means that is best for us if we allow it.This doesn’t mean we should sit back and do nothing,but rather that we should do what we have to do and then let the events take their natural course.With the big companies and the federal government taking what they want from us and then selling it back to us for their gain.It started back with the farmers and now we are in the end game and if all we do is talk about it we will lose .It’s time to give up what you have for the greater of good.We are gonna have to go through hell if we want our freedom back. Always in life an idea starts small, it is only a sapling idea, but the vines will come and they will try to choke your idea so it cannot grow and it will die and you will never know you had a big idea, an idea so big it could have grown thirty meters through the dark canopy of leaves and touched the face of the sky. ‘The vines are people who are afraid of originality, of new thinking. Most people you encounter will be vines; when you are a young plant they are very dangerous. Always listen to yourself, It is better to be wrong than simply to follow convention. If you are wrong, no matter, you have learned something and you grow stronger. If you are right, you have taken another step toward a fulfilling life.”
To all veterans i would like to say thank you for your services.And what I’m about to ask you no one has the right to ask you but I’m asking you to take up your arms before its to late.The time has come to fight for the people and the country not the bankers or government. Are we individuals under god or are we one nation under god.If you say one nation under god then we need your help before it’s to late.The time has come for us to unite.Our government is pissing all over our constitution [the 1st,2nd,4th,10th and the 11th ] and we are letting it happen.And all we do is talk about what needs to be done.The time is here to take action and to stop talking about what we need to do.It’s almost to late as we are being slowly invaded like our ancestors did to the Indians that lived here before us.The plague must be stopped before it’s to late.They have started a war on our constitution and our god given right.Some thing i was taught when i was young was that we are born in to the oath of the constitution and it is our duty to uphold that oath.Back at the end of WW2 we said that the rise of the third Reich would never happen well it’s happening now.It’s offensive to wave our country’s flag and almost illegal to wave our flag.It’s illegal to put our own wind mill for power on our own land.It’s illegal to live off the grid.And states are trying to pass a law that you need a passport for domestic flights inside our own country.Sharia law is being crammed down our children’s throats in schools down our throats every where and Muslims have more rights then us in our country.This is our country on Gods land with his and our laws.And we allow the government to poison us in our air,water and food.When will my fellow Americans my brothers and sisters wake up and stop being blinded by the lies.There’s a old saying the evil that men must do for the sake of the country and our children’s future.It’s time to become history and not be the forgotten history.It’s pretty sad the so called patriots of our country talk a good game but do nothing.And the so called snowflakes take action.Even though they are fighting against the very thing that allows them to protest and speak their mind that we are trying to protect.We are all fighting for the same thing.We as individuals and see the same things differently.Is this what has become of our country that we bow and yield to the world now.And that we have no say on what we can and can’t do in our own country.I grew up in a country of fighters and now live in a country of sissy’s and talkers.This is truly a sad time for our country that we allow this c**p to happen.I would rather die trying and die free then keep living like a sheep.It’s time to stop living the prophecy that was written for us thousands of years ago.And time to make our own destiny.As is so often the case with a legend, every incident has two possible interpretations, the plausible and the one that is molded to suit the making of the myth. Man is a romantic at heart and will always put aside dull, plodding reason for the excitement of an enigma. mystery, not logic, is what gives us hope and keeps us believing in a force greater than our own insignificance
Someone deport this guy
Get the$#%&!@*out of America if you don’t like it
We understand far too little about Muslims leaving their homes. What is Hijrah? Obama is well educated in the Muslim religion since he studied it while living in Indonesia. He does not want this email to be spread all over the US because he wants us to be totally ignorant of what is really going on with the ISIL movement. All this turmoil now makes sense. Sad, and doesn’t bode well for us at all.
So what is a Hijrah? Hijrah is when large scale mass migrations become invasions. What is happening in parts of Europe right now, actually appears to be a hijrah as the Quran describes it. This is NOT going to end well. Because it appears the policies of the liberal socialist leaders in Europe and the US do not want to keep their lands from being overrun.
Why? I couldn’t figure out why other Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, etc.) weren’t taking in refugees, so I started digging. Hijrah is jihad by emigration. It means moving to a new land in order to bring Islam there and is considered in Islam to be a holy and revered action. “And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance, and whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him, his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah.” Surah 4:100.
So, if a Muslim dies in the process of immigrating to another country, that’s essentially the same as being a suicide bomber, his reward is automatic. This explains the great eagerness to undertake such a perilous journey. Muhammad and his followers emigrated from Mecca to Yathrib/Medina in 622 CE. It was there that he became a military leader though still uneducated. This is where all the commands to commit violence against unbelievers originated. It’s important to note that the Islamic calendar marks this as the beginning of Islam.
This current massive hijrah was announced last January, although few Muslim countries paid the announcement much attention. A supporter (or member) of ISIS uploaded a document in Arabic that urged Muslims to get to Libya because of its proximity to southern Europe and for the important tactical value of its illegal immigration circuits to facilitate infiltration of European cities. Libya has a long coast and looks upon the southernmost countries of western European, which can be reached with ease by even a rudimentary boat.
In February, transcripts of telephone intercepts published in Italy said ISIS was threatening to send 500,000 migrants as a “psychological weapon” against Europe. The Italian Minister for the Interior, Angelino Alfano, said at the time, “If the militias of the Caliphate advance faster than the decisions of the international community how can we put out the fire in Libya and stem the migration flows? We are at risk of an exodus without precedent.”
Also in February, the Turkish intelligence service warned police that up to 3,000 trained jihadists were seeking to cross into Turkey from Syria and Iraq and then travel through Bulgaria and Hungary into western Europe and then into the rest of Europe. Sound familiar?
In May, a Libyan government adviser warned that Islamic State operatives were being” smuggled to Europe in migrant boats.”ISIS is profiting from the human trafficking trade, forcing boat owners to hand over their profits or be killed. Some ISIS operatives are already sheltered in safe houses in the south of the Europe.
Groups of men, 17 to 25, from Palestine and Syria, cross into Bulgaria and from there move into the rest of the EU. A former Al Qaeda double agent told the BBC that he knew of two Egyptian brothers who reached Italy from Libya, accompanied by men who were deeply religious and fluent in Italian and French.
Go watch the videos of those “refugees” again. How many of the “refugees” are 17-25 year old men and of military age? If that doesn’t convince you, we already know terrorists are coming through with the waves of refugees: a week ago five men were arrested attempting to cross the Bulgarian-Macedonian border with Islamic State propaganda, specific Jihadists prayers, and decapitation videos on their phones. They had been posing as refugees.
UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage warned: “I fear we face a direct threat to our civilization if we allow large numbers of people from that war torn region into Europe.
Other Muslim countries are not “taking in” these “refugees” because this is a hijrah into Europe. This is no humanitarian crisis. It is an invasion. Its goal is to transform Europe: over tax its economies, tear down its wealthiest nations, re-draw the demographics and, of course, the culture. And our government wants to start letting them into our Country? Obama, having already announced over 100,000 are going to arrive in the USA in 2017. Are we all Forest Gumps? If you feel this is worth sharing with others, please copy and re-post, thanks.
Get cair out of our country now.
You should go home because we don’t need you.
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