Judicial Watch has been an incredibly successful advocate for freedom and liberty. Using lawsuits to force the federal government to release documents under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) law has been one of the the group’s signature and most effective weapons in penetrating government coverups.
Government agencies are required to respond in a timely manner to FOIA requests. This frequently doesn’t happen, or the agencies are often less than forthcoming with all the relevant materials. Of course such agencies are prohibited from releasing classified or otherwise confidential information, so those materials are exempt from FOIA requests. Nevertheless, there is much embarrassing or otherwise revealing information that should be available to the public, and it’s often Judicial Watch that goes to court to force compliance.
Some of Judicial Watch’s activities have placed them in the center of the controversy over Islamic terrorism. More on this on page two.
Just hang that little $#%&!@*already
I guess they didn’t read the memo.$#%&!@*off CAIR
Kiss my ass
We must OUTLAW ISLAM in our Christian Republic! We must Cite the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR and all of their subsidiary organizations as Terrorist Organizations! Think about it… the probems and struggles in the world can be encapsulated in one word….. ISLAM! Every conflict in the world that is not being addressed and solved peaceably has a common denominator… ISLAM! Billions and Billions of Dollars are being wasted but more tragic than that is thousands if not millions of lives are being cruelly ruined and wasted! Surely we are not stupid enough to buy the story that all of the world is out of step except isam? If a muslim is loyal and patriotic to our country, they are not good musims! They are not here to assimilate! The muslims are here to take over our country and make it a caliphate, complete with sharia law! Then, you join them and become a muslim or they kill you! The koran dictates this! Their messiah cannot come until they do this! Islam is not a religion! It is a satanic cult of a totalitarian government system to rule the world! Jihad is the sixth and most important pillar of Islam. Jihad is total war against all human beings who are not muslim. We must Stop the muslim invasion of our country and the desecration of our values before Shariah law is implemented! http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/
This guy is a ‘tard. Go get fucked. U can$#%&!@*in one hand and wish in the other and see which one you get first! Go take a$#%&!@*
Air Force to CAIR, “kiss my$#%&!@*
the AF must no do anything you say t**d
You don’t get to dictate to the US military!