After a six month legal battle between a pair of cafe owners and their Muslim neighbor, Graham Web-Lee has been settled in the couple’s favor. The complaint?
The cafe produces a bacon smell that is ‘offensive’.
Graham Web-Lee complained that the cafe’s extractor fan, which forces out the cooking bacon smell from the cafe, was bothering him and his family, and was bothering his Muslim friends so much that they felt “physically sick.”
After inspectors visited the cafe and declared everything was fine, Web-Lee continued to complain until it was discovered that the cafe owners had never applied for planning permission to install the new extractor fan.
After the decision of the court, Web-Lee remains frustrated, saying his was concerned for his family and that his house stinks of “vile cooking smells.”
Read more about the complaint and court battle on page 2.
Keep frying!!! Maybe if it offends enough, they will just go away!!! Muslims are such cockroaches!!! Only good Muslim is a dead one!!! They are just desert rats and I have no use for these scumbags. To think they can get away with her frying bacon. Sounds like muslims are stupid too!!!
Why this moron does not come back to his hellhole Muslim country ????
Bring in the pigs…..!!!!!
Leave this lady alone.. she is running a good honest business and not on the dole like many of the others are…if those people do not like the smell of good home cooking, might suggest you pack your stuff and move on….
Love it!
Muslims don’t have the right to tell Americans what to eat or cook in fact they should be deported.
Free county, free air. Don’t like it leave.
F**k Muslims!
Instead of removing the smell of cooked pig, let’s remove them!!
they need to go to a country that will not eat bacon.