Instead of taking the results of Tuesday’s elections like good sports, the left has used them to cause mischief and instigate anarchy across the nation.
When it appeared to most people that Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump in the presidential election, liberals and their collaborators in the media hammered at the GOP candidate for expressing concerns that the process might be rigged and claimed that he would dispute the results if he were to lose. Of course, Trump ended up beating the odds and utterly defeating Hillary, and we all know what happened next.
Far from accepting the results like they demanded Trump and his supporters should in the event that he lost, Democrats proceeded to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election and encourage like-minded liberals to protest the results. The consequence of this is the unrest we are currently witnessing in cities all over America.
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Turn left, when you get to the ocean keep going and going until you stop wasting good oxygen
Is this what they are learning in school? BAD news.
Fine commentaries here
Expel these low lives get a job if you don’t want to go to class…
Flunk them. Take away their grades, take away their loans and free education. No more future loans this init self is a form of treason.
Kick their$#%&!@*asses out of school let those who really want to learn in their spots
Spoiled children being spoiled children……so many wasted opportunities…..sad !
Dear Democrats and Liberals,I’m noticing that a lot of you aren’t graciously accepting the fact that your candidate lost. In fact you seem to be posting even more hateful things about those of us who voted for Trump.Some of you are apparently “triggered”. Because you are posting how “sick” you feel about the results.How did this happen you ask.You created “us” when you attacked our freedom of speech.You created “us” when you attacked our right to bear arms.You created “us” when you attacked our Christian beliefs. You created “us” when you constantly referred to us as racists. You created “us” when you constantly called us xenophobic. You created “us” when you told us to get on board or get out of the way.You created “us” when you forced us to buy health care and then financially penalized us for not participating. You created “us” when you allowed our jobs to continue to leave our country. You created “us” when you attacked our flag.You created “us” when you confused women’s rights with feminism. You created “us” when you began to emasculate men. You created “us” when you decided to make our children soft.You created “us” when you decided to vote for progressive ideals.You created “us” when you attacked our way of life.You created “us” when you decided to let our government get out of control. “You” created “us” the silent majority. And we became fed up and we pushed back and spoke up.And we did it with ballots, not bullets.