Instead of taking the results of Tuesday’s elections like good sports, the left has used them to cause mischief and instigate anarchy across the nation.
When it appeared to most people that Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump in the presidential election, liberals and their collaborators in the media hammered at the GOP candidate for expressing concerns that the process might be rigged and claimed that he would dispute the results if he were to lose. Of course, Trump ended up beating the odds and utterly defeating Hillary, and we all know what happened next.
Far from accepting the results like they demanded Trump and his supporters should in the event that he lost, Democrats proceeded to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election and encourage like-minded liberals to protest the results. The consequence of this is the unrest we are currently witnessing in cities all over America.
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glad you are not one of my children you would have a consequence
right kids
fail the whole bunch.
Little cry baby’s
When did you say California will secede?
Students my$#%&!@*. These mush heads don’t know why they are protesting . Most are sent to schools by their parents to get rid of them. I hope they all have their condoms with them.
Seriously, nobody who has already graduated college cares about your feelings. That means that when you complain to your boss because your co-worker mis-gendered you, he’s probably not going to bend over backwards to bandage your wounds. Given feelings are entirely subjective in nature, it’s completely unreasonable to demand everyone tip-toe around you to prevent yours from being hurt. The reality is that people will offend you and hurt your feelings, and they won’t stop to mop up your tears because they shouldn’t have to. Learning to accept criticism, alternative viewpoints, and even outright insults will make you happier in the long run than routinely playing the victim card.
This is a comforting lie parents have started telling their children to boost their morale in school. Unfortunately, millennials are now convinced it’s true, especially as society has now decided to push this narrative as well. The reality is if you’re 17 years old and still can’t figure out basic division, you’re not going to be a rocket scientist. If you’re overweight and unattractive, you’re not going to be the quarterback’s prom date. If you lack fine motor skills, you’re not going to be a heart surgeon. It’s okay to accept that you cannot be whatever you want to be. In fact, once you accept this, you’ll be able to focus on the things you can be — the things you really are talented at.
Start walking west and dont stop.
They all should get kicked out!