Instead of taking the results of Tuesday’s elections like good sports, the left has used them to cause mischief and instigate anarchy across the nation.
When it appeared to most people that Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump in the presidential election, liberals and their collaborators in the media hammered at the GOP candidate for expressing concerns that the process might be rigged and claimed that he would dispute the results if he were to lose. Of course, Trump ended up beating the odds and utterly defeating Hillary, and we all know what happened next.
Far from accepting the results like they demanded Trump and his supporters should in the event that he lost, Democrats proceeded to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election and encourage like-minded liberals to protest the results. The consequence of this is the unrest we are currently witnessing in cities all over America.
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Well who cares
Over 300,000 illegals voted in the California election for Hillary Clinton, now we have riots over the popular vote, that looks like Hillary won by 300,000, that was a illegal vote in the first place.. Makes a lot of sense to me !!!
No more federal money. Make them pay for their own classes and teachers.
Looks like a lot of inbreeding and mix breed
When the Obama policies of money expansion and doubling the national debt finally enter the M2, the economy will collapse down to the university level. These radicalized students and their left wing academic enablers will have no institution or place left to foment revolution in the US. I hope they’ll be happy with their fantasy world of ideas.
Don’t let them back in school!!! They apparently are already too smart
oh look- more entitled self righteous liberal college pukes protesting something… And of course they dont like outcome of the democratic system (But yet they had no problem with the system when O$#%&!@*Face won it in 2008 and 2012).. Let them walk out and hopefully in front of a caravan of drunk drivers.
Boo hoo
Lock them out Lock them out Lock the out Lock them out