Instead of taking the results of Tuesday’s elections like good sports, the left has used them to cause mischief and instigate anarchy across the nation.
When it appeared to most people that Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump in the presidential election, liberals and their collaborators in the media hammered at the GOP candidate for expressing concerns that the process might be rigged and claimed that he would dispute the results if he were to lose. Of course, Trump ended up beating the odds and utterly defeating Hillary, and we all know what happened next.
Far from accepting the results like they demanded Trump and his supporters should in the event that he lost, Democrats proceeded to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election and encourage like-minded liberals to protest the results. The consequence of this is the unrest we are currently witnessing in cities all over America.
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odummer probably gave them thier college money free.
They are spoiled brats!!! They should have to work for a living! They wouldn’t have time to tear up everything!!!
If this person has applied and receives any government assistance to go to school, then it should be revoked, as she and others are not in school to study.
Obama doesn’t quit, See how Obama’s Communist Common Core has brainwashed our students into a politcal school,$#%&!@*DID THE SAME FOR NAZISM ,
So unexcused absences and no opportunity to make up the work.
Stupid fucks…forgot about respect….it was chosen…thats it..give him a chance and stop with all this hattrred against him…it doesnt make any of this prostestors better than Trump. Idiots.
To Donald Trump, The Corrupt GOP and The Trump Supporters; As You Gloat Over Your Dirty Political Victory and Continue To Insult Our Leaders and The Good People of The Democratic Party. It is Time For You To Lead. No One Is Going To Help Your Minority Party. You Made This Mess All By Yourselves By Spreading Hatred, Racism, Bigotry, Sexism and Lies Against A Majority of The Citizens of this Great Country. Thank You For Tearing This Country Apart To Achieve Your Political Gains. We Will Never Forget.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Karma
drop them if they cant work give the education to some one who wants it
These pissants still have skid marks on thier underwear what the hell do they know sbout life