Instead of taking the results of Tuesday’s elections like good sports, the left has used them to cause mischief and instigate anarchy across the nation.
When it appeared to most people that Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump in the presidential election, liberals and their collaborators in the media hammered at the GOP candidate for expressing concerns that the process might be rigged and claimed that he would dispute the results if he were to lose. Of course, Trump ended up beating the odds and utterly defeating Hillary, and we all know what happened next.
Far from accepting the results like they demanded Trump and his supporters should in the event that he lost, Democrats proceeded to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election and encourage like-minded liberals to protest the results. The consequence of this is the unrest we are currently witnessing in cities all over America.
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How can they do this when they are under age to decide anything. They can’t even vote yet!!
These kids should all be used to put out the fires…… They are using their energy on the wrong things…. They are being brain wash…. These kids are suppose to be the future of this country how sad… They have no skills… Destroy property is not right…. Would they want someone to burn down their house…. Wake up …..
it’s really simple, you didn’t show up for my exams- you were docked –you didn’t pass in your home work you were docked–never bothered me a bit to give out incompletes or flunks- no workee-no grade–college is for adults- not whiney little babies
Who gives a$#%&!@*! There a bunch of losers!!
Some how walking out of a class doesn’t make much of an impression. Most college kids would do anything to skip a class. I used to hope someone would call in a bomb scare. Especially if I hadn’t studied or completed my assignment.
This is the trash culture you now have in this country , they and their liberal proffessors and leaders are why this country has gone down hill in the last 20 or so years.
Poor little cry babies !!
Poor little snowflakes. What are they going to do when they have to go out into the real world?
IF they get a degree, they still won’t know how to do anything. Mcdonalds won’t hire them. They are going to automation because of their $15.00 an hour for flipping burgers.
Losers get a life