A new bill is being deliberated by the California State Senate that would seek to imprison people who disagree with the “tolerant” liberal agenda.
Bill SB 219 was introduced by State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) (photo) seeking to jail people if they say a certain word when referring to people liberals consider to be a minority. Most folks would argue that these people are just suffering from mental illness. But, since when has the regressive left sought to implement reason and scientific thought into public legislation.
In what context do you think this wrong pronoun could wind you up sitting in a county jail for a year? All this and more on the Bill currently being deliberated by the California State Senate, on the next page. And you best check as it’s only a matter of time till measures are implemented in every state if the conniving left shifts all this monument momentum onto their other diabolical social agendas
I’ll say what I want, when I want, and as long as I don’t incite anyone to violence, you can kiss my$#%&!@*..
She’s a little$#%&!@*
Sounds just like Stalin era politics in Russia those many years ago. California, for those of you who still have some what of a brain left, vote these idiots out of office.
It’s okay to harbor illegals and not be jailed but to speak a word wrongly? Have to be more weirdos in Cali than sane people!
These people are sick!
Free “three hots and a cot” for a year. Why not. Listen up, all you homeless, or about-to-be-homeless. Head for Mexifornia. Drop the “wrong pronoun” at the wrong place and enjoy your new cell mate.
Shows you how thin skinned they are.
Ignorant fucks
F**k off