A Northern California reservoir completely dried up overnight, killing thousands of fish and leaving residents looking for answers.
While a $3.5 million drought safety net at Folsom Lake finishes, a lake in another part of the state is left high and dry. More on this incredulous claim on the next page:
Brown and Obama fault.
Aliens stealing our water!!!
Hey now I have good conservative friends living out there. I for one care.
Gov. Wants you to riot. Stay calm Calif.
They drained it and lied- zero mystery
Oops it’s the epa
Get rid of their illegals and they would have enough water.
Heads should roll on this one. So you purposely kill thousands of fish and waste an untold amount of water. How is it compainies can own a lake and for that matter a water reservoir. What pisses me off the most is the killing of the fish. There lives did not mattet.
Not good
Someone pulled the drain plug…