A Northern California reservoir completely dried up overnight, killing thousands of fish and leaving residents looking for answers.
While a $3.5 million drought safety net at Folsom Lake finishes, a lake in another part of the state is left high and dry. More on this incredulous claim on the next page:
It’s cause ca don’t sell wd40
Ever think it could be a new drug tunnel?? El Chappo
Check the EPA…….
Those Doggone Martians came down and Sucks it Up.
Fishy indeed!
This crooked administration is doing this stuff on purpose to blame global warming then they pollute a river and blame it on not enough EPA regulations this government is totally out of control
Governor Moonbeam, sell the water to Pepsi ?
Global warming at its finest lol.
Problem could be solved if you would have built desalination plants you morons !
California will burn and dry up. Filthy State