A Northern California reservoir completely dried up overnight, killing thousands of fish and leaving residents looking for answers.
While a $3.5 million drought safety net at Folsom Lake finishes, a lake in another part of the state is left high and dry. More on this incredulous claim on the next page:
well now that is scary
What a waste
It’s Kalifornia. No one cares about that bastion of liberal idiots.
It went here ? http://news.yahoo.com/third-straw-uncapped-lake-mead-water-vegas-033417377.html
Keep electing liberal idiots!
If it was more important than the all mighty dollar they water beer and soft drink factories would be on hold till the drought is over
aliens took it
That’s no good
Gena Graham
Lol actually the moon is like a magnet and it’s what creates waves in the ocean tonight is a blood moon so anything possible