Should you as a parent be informed that your elementary school child would be attending a gay pride school assembly – complete with a gay choir singing about homosexual freedom?
Many parents are outraged when the Glenview Elementary school in Oakland, California didn’t inform them that their kids, as young as 5, would be mandated to attend a recent school assembly where the gay lifestyle would be promoted.
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A real man or woman recognizes his maker and dedicates him/her self to His service.
You are far too shallow in your thinking if you place your trust in science, sir. Science changes every day.
The God I serve made certain His book was translated properly… Man can argue, but cannot disprove that.
A real man follows the teachings of his God… Thus abhors that which is evil, clings to that which is good, and lives in such a manner as to prove his love for God.
The reason the country was established with separation of church and state was to prevent a situation like that of England, where all were required to be members of the church of England.
It went pretty well for a while with churches staying out of politics, but rhen government decided to meddle in religion.
That is when the tide turned.
And no… My $#%&!@*ertions are not false.
We will see how your science holds up as an argument with your Creator on judgement day!
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread!
I gave examples of how your $#%&!@*ertions were false. Just claiming they arent after that is childish. We have also proven the bible has changed as the end of Mark was not in the original
And yes science changes that makes it stronger than you religion. It accepts new data and can incorporate it, whereas religion denies it. Science can change position when evidence show it needs to, religion must follow its dogma or risk of losing face, so denies and undermines new data, such as $#%&!@*sexuals neing born that way or climate change.
We were established with freedom of religion to allow anyone to worship as they see fit withou interference from the government. Government does not interfere with your ability to worship. It does interfere with your ability for force your views on others as it should. Gay marraige should not be banned on any religious argument because that imposes a religious belief on others against their will, for example. That is why your side was destined to lose that fight. This hands off oncludes all religions ( the statement in the treaty of tripoly was to $#%&!@*ure jews that we were not a christian nation and had nothing to fear from us).
Actually the read stands for hardiness and valor. And as a veteran i ask you not to forget that there are and always have been gay soldiers and to respect them. Your meme is moronic.
OK – Whatever you say. You can’t argue with democrats so I yield to you!
And I should remind you that the military should not ever be a social experiment.
Maybe if you present evidence…
Oh, and im not a democrat. Im an independant.
It isnt. They serve period.
No its not and the family research ins$#%&!@*ute us a hate group.