Should you as a parent be informed that your elementary school child would be attending a gay pride school assembly – complete with a gay choir singing about homosexual freedom?
Many parents are outraged when the Glenview Elementary school in Oakland, California didn’t inform them that their kids, as young as 5, would be mandated to attend a recent school assembly where the gay lifestyle would be promoted.
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No, there.arent. i thought the right was against frivilous lawsuits.
again John wow just wow you call me ignorant and double talk when that is all you have done. you say that it is not genetic but has to do with genetic markers and chemicals. you say it is proven it is not learned but then answered that by saying that even in most cases identical twins one but not both are gay. nor can you prove that in the right to work states that they ere let go because they were gay. they could have been let go for any reason and only said that they were let go because they were gay now I am not going to say that it has never happened because I am sure that some where it has the issue is that neither of us can prove one way or another all we have is what people say. you say it doesn’t open the door but we already have cases in courts now for polygamy and pedophiles trying to wed. and if SCOTUS can change the definition of marriage and rule for gay marriage they can change it again. and yes John I realize that when someone speaks truth you have to undermine and belittle it is the only way you can try to make your self right. you saying that my statement about Christian groups doesn’t make since only proves that you only want people to know your truth not be told everyone’s truth and let people decide for themselves you seem to be under the impression that merely talking about God is cramming it down your throat or as you put it steamrolling people over but you refuse to see that by that perception that is exactly what you are doing and they are doing in this post. you bring up the westboro church which is the exact type of people that want to hate everything I was speaking about earlier. you point at someone claiming to be Christian but is not a Christian then say that’s how Christians are which your total lack of understanding in the matter. you say that I don’t understand science, statistics, and the facts as they have been proven and refuse to even consider you might be wrong yet you haven’t proven anything you only refuse to answer questions and say its proven. when science is wrong all the time case in point the world is flat, or the sun revolves around the earth. Pluto is a planet then it not now it is again. now I am not against science but science can only help us understand the world as far as human mind can comprehend today in 100 years they will look at everything we science tells us today is absolute and laugh and how little we really understand. BTW Sientist tell us that we all came from some primeordal ooze and that we came from monkeys yet other animal practices $#%&!@*sexuality. history has taught us that when a civilization starts and follows down a deviant path like this one and it becomes more acceptable that civilization has failed. as far as psychiatry even the washing post has had many articles and posting of many studies that have proven that a man – woman relationship is best for a child as far as refusal to think that I could be wrong yes I could be wrong but you have offered nothing to prove me wrong. nor have you even tried to all you keep saying is you know someone who can expalin it better or that i am wrong. next you will be telling me that guns are the reason that peopel kill people or that we should bad guns for child saftey but in the next breath say abortion is ok.
But we have proven it is not a chioce. You could simply do the same thing you have done regarding shaving which is a choice and is mentioned as a sin more times in the bible than $#%&!@*sexuality. Yet it is accepted, as is eating shellfish, allowing women to teach, wearing blended fabrics, and divorce. And while adultery may still be a sin its hardly even considered anymore. Lastly, what is in the bible is immaterial. Not everyone beleives that nor should they have that dogma forced on them. Religion has no place in the law or in public schools as both are functions of the government and bound by the establishment clause.
So ione of them said they wand to gobtp a mosque instead, you would be om with that.
They are mot teaching the islam in schools. There are some schools teaching about it, but they are not teaching it. Religous history is not the same as its tenants. Oh and those same schools teach christian and jewish history too. Sorry. Your religion has no place in school or government and sharia law is nowhete near being p$#%&!@*ed here, nor likely will it ever be. As it is uncons$#%&!@*utional.
And $#%&!@*sexuality is not a lifestyle or choice. They are born that way; it is inherent. Your child will be e posef to $#%&!@*sexuals at some point and its better they have some truth to counter the musinformation and lies provided by thier church and family.
Ok, when i get back from work i will provide links to evidence that $#%&!@*sexuality is not learned. In the mean tim how bout asking those questions you say i wont answer. So far all you have done is make untrue $#%&!@*ertion, you havent asked anything.
And btw the gentic identifiers work with the hormones and. How the hormones react and interact with the brain is what determines if someone will be $#%&!@*sexual. That is why two twins can be different. The genes start it but the hormones finish it.
dont have that problem, do you?
You cannot openly pray or read your Bible at school! It is NOT OK to teach our kids about alternate lifestyles!
ok then explain to me how if a person has these genetic identifiers how they can go from being gay to straight or some one who does not have the genetic identifiers can go gay. with the Pedophiles and Polygamy you are voiding the question we already have court cases pending and if they changed the law once they can again who is to say they don’t drop the consenting age to 13 or less who’s to say they don’t change the law to allow parents to sign for the child into the marriage? as far as polygamy being abusive you could also say that low income families are abusive happens al the time and CPS takes kids away the DOJ already said that parents have no rights to their children in the Hollingsworth v. Perry case the DOJ argued that children done need their mother. in another case Holder argued that parents can not homeschool their kids. in another case the DOJ argued that parents can not refuse any mandatory vaccinations the Michigan state department has already ruled that Muslim men can have up to four wives on welfare. remind me again how this cant happen
So… What you are saying is that if an action is accepted by society, that makes them acceptable to all… Is that not forcing YOUR opinion on others?
Sir… As educated as you may be in the ways of man, you have no idea what you are talking about.
The Bible is the written word of the one true living God, and all wiil bow before Him and His Son on the day of judgement… All those who have rejected Him will call upon His Name… But it will be far too late at that point.
The Bible hasn’t changed, God hasn’t changed.
God said it. That’s good enough for me.
You can dismiss His existence and that of His Son while you are on earth…
But… As I said before, please don’t stand by me on judgement day!
Possibly, you have been educated beyond your intelligence.
As far as religion anywhere… I agree. Religion does not belong.
Religious people, spiritual people are parasites on this earth.
God, however, belongs everywhere… And the result of believing in Him, doing what He says, and following His commandments is a Godly person… Godly people belong everywhere.
When God and prayer were in schools, we didn’t have school shootings, people didn’t walk into public venues and kill twelve people they didn’t know.
Children were allowed to be children and play with each other without having to worry about being politically correct, racist, accused of sexual har$#%&!@*ment, or having to deal with other children who weren’t sure what their gender was.
We played cowboys and indians with play guns and didn’t have to worry about being shot by a policeman who thought our guns might be real.
We played with gender specific toys and nobody got mad about it.
Little boys grew up to be real men and little girls grew up to be real women.
When God was accepted by mankind as the Creator and as man’s salvation, life was better.
Deviant people stayed in hiding. Child molesters were few and far between.
This could go on for pages…
However… The Bible also teaches that when someone rejects God and it is apparent they will not change, believers should shakes the dust of that place off their shoes and look for someone to work with that can be taught.
The only thing I can do for you is pray. I will do that, and hopefully you will find the truth before it is eternally too late.