Should you as a parent be informed that your elementary school child would be attending a gay pride school assembly – complete with a gay choir singing about homosexual freedom?
Many parents are outraged when the Glenview Elementary school in Oakland, California didn’t inform them that their kids, as young as 5, would be mandated to attend a recent school assembly where the gay lifestyle would be promoted.
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Pedophiles are attracted to children. Where they also born that way? Should they also fulfill their desires?
Do your research, Johnny boy! We most certainly are a Christian nation. In the early years of the Republic, the Capitol Building in Washington, DC was actually used for Sunday Christian services under direction of the Founding Fathers. That’s what I like about liberal, cry-baby, whiners. Whatever the Muslim-in-Chief puts out there, they swallow it hook, line , and sinker, without making any attempt to study it out for themselves. By the way, I do have a right to speak in defense of the Cons$#%&!@*ution and all that it stands for by virtue of my 6 years of service in the military, and you’re right, I don’t have the right to force Christianity on you. That will come at a future date when scripture will be fulfilled that says, “Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ.” Remember me, when you follow through on that command.
Yes they are also born that way but where as $#%&!@*sexuality is between consebting adults, pedophilia would involve a child who cannot consent. It is a false $#%&!@*ogy. As is $#%&!@*.
$#%&!@*sexuals are not perverts. Heterosexuals perform oral and $#%&!@* sex just as often, probably even yourself at least one of those, though i cannot say for certain. So drop the holier than thou bs.
No, they never said mother and father. Studies have found that homes with two mothers or two The fathers are every bit as stable loving and good for a child. Youbare righ that there is no mind set, that would be learned behavior, you are mixing up your terms. It is not learned atcall. It is a chemical reaction in the brain between hormones and some identifiers in the genes . it isnt genetic itself, its chemical. And no society ever fell because of $#%&!@*sexuality. All societies have always had it because itvis a natural part of ghe human animal. Now the problem is i have thw facts and you have your opinion that you ate stating as fact. And you wsnt them treated equally. But they are not equal. The facts remain true no matter how much you argus agast them. I can bring up the studies and science and show there is a much stronger consesus for what i am claiming and also show where what you are claiming has been debunked time and again. That is why it doesnt get eqal time. Getcan equally stong arguement, it will get equal time.
Treaty of tripoly. Signed by all the founding fathers, states we are not a christian nation. The constiution does not mention christianity anywhere, nor god. It does mention religion, however, baring thecestablishment of a state religion, meaning we never could be a christian nation. And if uou really think obama is a muslim you a complete moron. But i never said you didnt have the right to speak in defence ofvthe cons$#%&!@*ution, you just werent. And i eill see your 6 and raise you 8 (unless you are only talking active then its 5, i had 3 in reserves). Dont make quick $#%&!@*umptions. Until judgement day, let everyone live as thwy will and love thy neighbor. Do unto other as you would have them do unto you. Be the good samaritan. Stop preeching hate.
lol wow just wow its not gentic but it had to do with chemicals and genitic identifiers but its not gentic as you say but according to your statement gentics are involved. and i never said a society fell becuse of $#%&!@*sexuality. i said that the farther that a society moves down this “rabbit hole” has failed i freely admint that it is not soley $#%&!@*sexuality but it is in part. and remind me again how a $#%&!@*sexual person was not treated equally.
Regardless what this article say this wasnt indoctrination. Its not learned behahior, you dont become gay. Its not a choice or all men would be attracted to men and some would choose to follow that. But that is not the case, is it?
Doesnt matter if its christian or not, its perfectly natural and its only demeaning to you because youre a bigot. How many parent a child has is irrelevant so long as its a safe and loving home.
Sorry you see it as hate, John. It’s a matter of principle. It does not come between me and my friends, or anybody else that chooses an alternate lifestyle. I treat them no different than anybody else. We socialize and carry on a close friendship. We have talked many times about this and have never walked away in anger or hate, as you like to call it. All I ask of them is what I give in return; live your life however you want, but don’t push a twisted view of life on my kids. I have never once come down on them about how this is viewed in scripture. If you can’t understand that, then you have your own problems to work out. Don’t bother trying to “one-up” me again, because I’m blocking you and your comments. I can see that we’re never going to agree on anything.