Should you as a parent be informed that your elementary school child would be attending a gay pride school assembly – complete with a gay choir singing about homosexual freedom?
Many parents are outraged when the Glenview Elementary school in Oakland, California didn’t inform them that their kids, as young as 5, would be mandated to attend a recent school assembly where the gay lifestyle would be promoted.
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Ok, you seem to be a legitimately fair minded logical person. We might have a good discussion some day. Good evening sir.
I don’t think of any person as less than human, Johnny boy.
I don’t look at anybody as less than human, Johnny boy; not even you. When Christianity plays a part in our children’s lives and education, the acceptance issue will take care of itself.
I don’t look at any person as “less than human”, Johnny boy. When this country’s families return to a Christian oriented way of life and raise their children by its principles, the acceptance issue will take care of itself. If not, we’ll continue down the path where all things good are ridiculed and attacked, and all things evil are represented as good.
yes there is always someone who could try to explain it very well but then again nature, psychology, genitic studies and history all aurgue against it. i dont care if someone is gay thats on them not me. but i dont want them shoving it down kids throats. especially when they go nuts when you mention God.
No psychology says its inherentinherent, genetics says its inherent, and so does history since there is historic record of this. The person i know is an expert in the field, not just someone with a good definition.
Now they arent shoving being gay down our kids throats, thay are fighting to be treated equally and end the intolerance and mistreatment ( like beatings and murder) based on fear and hatred.
We are not a christian nation an you have mo right to force christian views on me or anyone else.
john try again even Obamas and many other psychologist came out and siad that the best palce for a child is with a mother and father a man and a woman. they also said that there is no mind set that makes people gay that is was a socialy learned behavior. genticist have aslo said that there is no gean that determines a person sexuality or preference. that the body of a man and woman are designed to fit and work and complament each other. yes history has shown us that $#%&!@*sexuality has existed but it also showes us time and again that as civilitions follow down this path among others has led to failure. as far as shoving it down peoples throats what do you think making kids go to a mandatory cl$#%&!@* is just a bunch or people saying here is the facts how can you show the facts with out all sides and beliefs being represented.
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