Should you as a parent be informed that your elementary school child would be attending a gay pride school assembly – complete with a gay choir singing about homosexual freedom?
Many parents are outraged when the Glenview Elementary school in Oakland, California didn’t inform them that their kids, as young as 5, would be mandated to attend a recent school assembly where the gay lifestyle would be promoted.
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Yep, you are cometelg oblivious.
They are attracted to members of the same sex. That is it. Otherwise they are exactly like you and me. Im not lost, i am enlightened. I am educated. I am not afraid of that ( or whom) which is different.
It isnt indoctrination as $#%&!@*sexuality is not learned behavior. Other than that, your ststement is correct. Students can be taught the truth and facts about $#%&!@*sexuality, but they cannot support any religion or let a religion use thier space for worship or convertion purposes. So if they have an evvent on school grouds they cannot have verses or scriptures or try to get people to come to their church who do not already, as that would be using governmental property in support of one religion above all others, which is incons$#%&!@*utional.
They arent
$#%&!@*sexuality is real, and your child will be exposed to it at some point. Better theg understand the facts than the hatefilled fear from people who think its a choice, or can be taught. This isnt indocrtination. That would be sunday school.
Bet gou forve your kids to go to church.
What filth are they pushing onto the kids? You think they are ha ving sex in front of them? This is about acceptance, and by your reaction, you still think of them as less than human.
And pleSe until every stops shaving stop quoting bible verses.
God us offended by your hate and so am i.
$#%&!@*sexuality not a learned behavour then how to you expalin gender fulid?
Give me some facts. Real ones please. I love facts. But i find it is conservatives who refuse to accept them. Like $#%&!@*sexuality is inherent, a chemical reaction between the genes and hormones in the brain before the child is even born. It isnt specifically genetic which is why identical twis can have different sexual orientations.