Should you as a parent be informed that your elementary school child would be attending a gay pride school assembly – complete with a gay choir singing about homosexual freedom?
Many parents are outraged when the Glenview Elementary school in Oakland, California didn’t inform them that their kids, as young as 5, would be mandated to attend a recent school assembly where the gay lifestyle would be promoted.
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Thank you for for a well thought out reply and i apologize for jumping on the insult ( even if it was light) right away, just been bombarded so took the offensive this time. Yoy definately have the right to beleive as you wish, but it is true that our history does judge those on the wrong side in our country rather harshly.
How about neither being $#%&!@* and its all just normall and not something to persecute others on?
I have to reply to your response in kind Sir….. Thank You! Perhaps we’re all a little sensitive today….. I’m a Christian, not a Judge…. and I believe We are ALL equal in God’s eye’s….. but I believe we should ALL have the right to decide what We Want in Our Lives and what We Believe is Best for Ourselves in Our Personal Lives…. I Respect You as much as You would want Me to Respect You…. Again, I really have enjoyed this little chat…. We can all learn from one another…. can’t we….
…. and Yes….. Some Are Judge harshly…. when they should not be Judged at all!
It clearly appears your a lonely person ,
In god we trust was added in the 1950s in response tobthe red scare. It is uncons$#%&!@*utional, but not worth the time or cost to the nation. But i never carry cash, all electronic.
They have no right on earth to do that and they sure would get a piece of my mind if they did that where some of the kids in my family are.
This school either needs to be shut down or all of the administrative staff all need to be fired. But both works for me. If it was my kid being forced to attend this, before leading me kid out of the building, I would make sure the principal knew – in a painful sort of way – that I was not going to allow that kind of trash to be taught to my kid. This country is based on freedom, not $#%&!@*s.
It’s wrong!