Should you as a parent be informed that your elementary school child would be attending a gay pride school assembly – complete with a gay choir singing about homosexual freedom?
Many parents are outraged when the Glenview Elementary school in Oakland, California didn’t inform them that their kids, as young as 5, would be mandated to attend a recent school assembly where the gay lifestyle would be promoted.
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I guess when I was in school,we had a choice to take a Bible cl$#%&!@* or not. I chose to take it. Now the children do not have a choice. All because of one atheist. If they want the Koran or Sharia law, I feel they should stay where this is taught. I guess I just do not like people coming to America and trying to change our laws or religion. I understand most of this is coming from obama.. This is not longer the America it was when I was growing up and I just do not like the change. I am probably a lot older than you,Tom. I remember when America was a free country. Hope you can understand how I feel about this. Your Friend,Frankie.
This is a disgrace.Kid do not need to hear this sh*t. To young. Gay is against God.
No sir, it obama, bringing illegals here and giving them more than we get. And everything offends someone. So we have lawsuits. I am offended by obama, too bad I can’t sue him. I will be so thankful when he is out of office and I don’t care which way he leaves. Anybody that voted for this man the 2nd time is an idiot.
What are you talking about? There is the “diverse gay [aka $#%&!@*sexual] community” mindset which hates anyone who does not embrace them and sometimes terrorizes those who don’t fall into line with them.
Well the us doesnt have a religion. And public schools should not be dedicating any time for any prayers. If the school actually has a time blocked out for that then you have grounds for suit under the Establishment Clause. However if the school is only allowing the students to pray on their own time then they are not doing anything illegal because students have always been allowed to pray on their own time including Kristen you can still pray today if they wish to.
You do realize Obama has deported more illegals than any president in modern history. Blade
If you wanna burn in HELL for ALL ETERNITY GO FOR IT,! nobody’s complaining here.
Just like the global warming scandal , government needs to stay out of schools and I believe a parent review of curriculum is advised BEFORE school
Starts that way they can object to anything iffy like this and have it removed .
What are you talking about? They don’t hate people who don’t accept them what they don’t accept is people who hate them and try to take away the rights simply for being who they are. There is no mindset they are born that way they think exactly the same way any other human being does they simply are attracted to members of the same sex.