Should you as a parent be informed that your elementary school child would be attending a gay pride school assembly – complete with a gay choir singing about homosexual freedom?
Many parents are outraged when the Glenview Elementary school in Oakland, California didn’t inform them that their kids, as young as 5, would be mandated to attend a recent school assembly where the gay lifestyle would be promoted.
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SO Wrong has to be Ca !!
You are incorrect. It is allowed., but it cannot be run by tge school. Individuals can choose to pray any tine theyvwant but schools cannot say this is prayer time or this is a moment of silence for those who want to pray. Its a violation of the establishment clause. But students are not the school officials and so are not subject to the same cons$#%&!@*utional scrutiny.
And as i said the under god was added in the 50’s. And it us required that you allow people to leave it out,, as not everyone believes.
And oppress my rigjts as an atheist and you will get the same. Your right are not more important than mine or a $#%&!@*sexuals. That is what you all fail to understand. We must coexist as equals.
God belongs on church, not school. Jews muslims hindus, taoists atheists and innumeral others attend school. God should not be represented above the others.
Look man I have no reason to lie about the issue!!! I’m not gonna argue with someone like you bc its a waste of my time!!! I went to Sale Creek TN. school did you??? we had a flag in our home room cl$#%&!@* first period principle came over intercom & we all stood up hand over our hearts said the Pledge of Allegiance word for word I pledge the allegiances to the flag with liberty & justice for all under God individual with liberty & justice for all!! I know dude I was there. As time with on ppl brought up the differences in religious beliefs so then instead of principle speaking over interc
That isnt quit true if you understand legal precedent. But this is strictly interpreting law. If hetresexuals can marry those they love and receive bebefits from doing so from the federal governmet and other goverment, then $#%&!@*sexuals must be given the same rights.
They do not prevent christianprayer and allow muslim prayer. You are mistaken.