Should you as a parent be informed that your elementary school child would be attending a gay pride school assembly – complete with a gay choir singing about homosexual freedom?
Many parents are outraged when the Glenview Elementary school in Oakland, California didn’t inform them that their kids, as young as 5, would be mandated to attend a recent school assembly where the gay lifestyle would be promoted.
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We are are born straight. Through sin one chooses to partake in an abhorrent lifestyle.
Stop judging
Love thy neighbor! Hate the SIN!!!
Fact and reality that sin is okay??
YOU can do for yourselves but the people are tired of you bringing our children into it!
That is so not cool. At least discuss it with the parents and let them decide if they want their child to attend.
Well John E. Conway in the state of TN. at the Sale Creek School as well as the Soddy Daisy school it’s not allowed. After they took that out they had moment of silence that lasted no time at all. I don’t know what state you live in but be thankful they haven’t taken or forbidden that on your school system
John- facts based on what?
The keyword is “FORCED”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And when I was in school & every morning before we done anything we stood up said the Pledge of Allegiance & under God was not excluded. And that was in the 70’s & early 80’s.