Should you as a parent be informed that your elementary school child would be attending a gay pride school assembly – complete with a gay choir singing about homosexual freedom?
Many parents are outraged when the Glenview Elementary school in Oakland, California didn’t inform them that their kids, as young as 5, would be mandated to attend a recent school assembly where the gay lifestyle would be promoted.
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I taught school for 16 years. We had students of all faiths. We stopped calling Christmas parties, & called them winter break parties, thus the Johav Witness students could attend. The kids that want to exchange gift simple girl gets girl gift, boy gets boy gift. You may like the idea of keeping all kids in all activities, including religious, but dear man, you haven’t started your day with angry parent at your cl/room door and wanting to know why you allowed to their child attend a religious activity that they had requested they not.
To stupid. Who’s idea is this ???
Hell no
The kids need their true father to praise him so they won’t be sick leaders changing their life style.
I suppose we’ll be seeing same sex couples at school dances and proms this next coming school year. My kids are all grown now with families of their own, but if I had any school age kids living with me, I’d really step up having discussions on morals with them.
This is stupid on so many levels
I’m not talking religion….. I’m talking about a personal relationship with The Lord Savior Jesus and the promise and true and only meaning of the rainbow. Any bastardization of that promise is offensive! Like it or not! Live the sin… Answer as every knee shall bow and answer to Jesus! I Live you! But hate the sin we all commit. Your use of the rainbow as the gay battle flag is just as offensive as the battle flag to the confederacy. PERIOD!
that ewould be one day my child would miss from school…..
it just might be a m$#%&!@*ive recruiting drive.
His wife sure meddles in the schools!!! And my beliefs are not to be messed with as they are my rights. Don’t offend me and you in return will be shown CHRISTIAN love. Try to oppress my rights as a Christian and what God teaches will not be tolerated anymore. We( ALL CHRISTIANS) are ready to take back the moral fiber of this once great country! You 4%ers will always be the squeaky voice! We have the oil to stop this madness that everything and every want is suddenly okay in the society you speak of. God is Good!! All the time!