Should you as a parent be informed that your elementary school child would be attending a gay pride school assembly – complete with a gay choir singing about homosexual freedom?
Many parents are outraged when the Glenview Elementary school in Oakland, California didn’t inform them that their kids, as young as 5, would be mandated to attend a recent school assembly where the gay lifestyle would be promoted.
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You are a sad excuse for a human and should be removed from society if your response to those you disagree with is to wish them death.
Take the kids out & sue.
That’s Northern California for you. All for the LGBT community. No one else has any rights.
Yes, now if creationists is coming, or any Christian rally they send a permission slip home to be allowed to attend, but for $#%&!@*sexuals to explain that 2 men having $#%&!@* $#%&!@* or 2 females sucking and licking each other’s urine holes, or some Darwin c**p you have to ask not to go.
Pervert, not prevert. And it simply shows all together, maybe you should take it to heart. You know judge not, love thy neighbor, do unto others, the good samaritan and all that. And i dont see liberals and atheists pushing hageful views, just religious people ( mostly christians nut definately not all) and conservatives.
$#%&!@* obviously rules in that Glenview Elemetary School;. lovely hpw the Sodomites and Lesbians are getting them so early. America will be nothing but sodomised ans Lesbianised won’t it be jist so lovely to have so many l;itt;e $#%&!@*s running after their teachers, and isnn’t it jist lovely Mommy can let me sleep with her and Aunty Gisselle and she says she can never get pregnant again., Johnny says Joe and Uncle rRodney both like having him in bed with them and they’re teaching things he is really enjoying they even make him war panties and a dress.when hc comes home from school.also loves Scouts as the Scout masters are so friendly and like teaching him gymnasticsince 1moves which are very exciting since he turned 11., Next weekend all the boys are allowed to stay with their best ftriend for the weekend and girls the same with their bestest well and she likes doing that because she too can never become pregnant..Mommy and gissell are havind two friend over to sleep with them. How they all fit on one big bed i don’t know.h
You look almost dead anyway….
You son can pray before eating, nothing preventing him. But the school cannot lead a lunch prayer or provide a special place for one group to pray.
Lisa, your lignorance of the issues is exacly why kids should be educated.
Rhe joys of America now being multisexual.. No pregnancies, No Adultry, just all fun.