Should you as a parent be informed that your elementary school child would be attending a gay pride school assembly – complete with a gay choir singing about homosexual freedom?
Many parents are outraged when the Glenview Elementary school in Oakland, California didn’t inform them that their kids, as young as 5, would be mandated to attend a recent school assembly where the gay lifestyle would be promoted.
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Total bull s***
s$#%&!@*ifornia—-hang the democrats who are doing this
Will parents wake up before the revolution is over? Yes, the revoluntion which is now happening before our eyes.
Total BS! This is what happens when you have a liberal school system, they try to ban anything true right and just only to promote evil Muslims and anything un Christain!
i would keep the kids at home
why is congress letting Gays force this on the american people WHERE IS CONGRESS AND THE PEOPLE THAT ARE SUSSPOSED TO PROTECT US ? is the whole congress GAY?
These rainbow lovers are no better than muslim terrorist.
Kill, attack, do it! The USA is a private nation of freedom.