The Glenview Elementary school is based on Common Core standards, which is a leftist federal program. As the Washington times has noted:
“The sharp criticism and re-examination of Common Core reveals dangerous fault lines. There’s an overreaching by the political and philanthropic power of an alignment of the Obama administration with money from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. There’s the risk of liberal-bias creep.”
If your child is enrolled in a school utilizing Common Core standards, currently in 43 states, you may want to keep a close eye on what programs and events your child is exposed to.
Parents were not alerted to this assembly, however, and one irate parent shared a video of the assembly that the school had put on their website. According to the irate parent,There is a video on the school’s website showing the assembly… It was nothing more than homosexual indoctrination about the meaning of the rainbow flag and “queer” history. On stage was the rainbow flag but NO American flag. And then a “gay men’s chorus” sang songs about homosexual “freedom.”This is an elementary school and children as young as 5 were present. Like I said, parents were NOT informed in advance. My child brought home a bookmark with the rainbow flag on it and a quote from radical lesbian poet activist, Audre Lorde, whose work includes a book called “Uses of the Erotic.” This is for Elementary School! …Then they show videos about how all “families” are the same – two dads, two moms, etc. The video of the entire assembly is on the school website.While many might consider it alright for children to be exposed to this kind of discussion, such decisions are definitely one to be made by parents, not school administrators.The Glenview parents were not alerted to this assembly and promoting a homosexual lifestyle to children in the context of a discussion about the value of diversity is tremendously inappropriate.
Im sick of hearing of the made up plight of the persecuted christian.
My $#%&!@*ertions are not false because they are proven true with the Bible. The version I use transcrbes from the original greek and latin.
Last I heard, latin was a dead language, which mens the meanings of the words don’t change.
I will continue to put my faith in the unwaivering God.
You, sir, are free to put your faith in your ever-changing science.
If, at the end of this earthly life, there is nothing more, then Christians will have stayed together, prayed together, an fought the good fight together.
My reward at that point will be the goodness and love that has surrounded me here on earth.
If, however, my God does exist, and He does, then I will have a far greater reward in spending eternity in His presence, where there will be no science to contradict Him, no homisexuality, no wars, no thieves, no liars, no sinful things whatsoever.
In the latter case, you and those like you who deny His existence and chhose to accept the sinful nature of man as being legitimate, will spend eternity regretting your decisions to ignore Him.
Again… I pray for you and others like you.
Nuff sed.
Your use of science and scripture taken out of context does not prove the Word of God to be wrong. It does, howver, prove that you are very convinced that this earthly life is all you have.
I do not condemn $#%&!@*sexuals, nor does my cousin Joe… I don’t have to do that. All sinners are judged by His Book.
The commandment He gave us was to love all men, abstain from sin, and not to be in the presence of it.
Since all men are sinners, He gave us prayer as a means to seek forgiveness for our sins.
But, one cannot pray for forgiveness and continue in the sin for which one has asked forgiveness.
You don’t believe in God… I don’t believe in the scientific garbage you spout forth.
We have reaced an imp$#%&!@*e that cannot be resolved.
Enjoy your life, and I will enjoy eternity.
Joe, You cannot prove the bible true with the bible. Sorry. Perhaps you should read the link I provided instead of just responding. the Oldest bible in existence (the Codex Sinaiticus) is not in Latin. Regardless of whether Latin changes or not, how it gets translated can vary, and meanings of words did change while the language was still in use, and the ending of Mark is not even found in the original bible. While you may pray for me for the next life, I wish you would stop ignoring this one and work to make it better for everyone instead of treating everyone who doesn’t think like you as second cl$#%&!@* citizens, unworthy of the same rights as you.
Tom, I am not taking the bible out of context, all I have done is point out that a section didnt exist at one point and now does, and that some portions are ignored by Christians even though they are mentioned as sins more often than $#%&!@*sexuality, yet $#%&!@*sexuality is not even though the others are definitely choices and science has shown that $#%&!@*sexuality is a choice. There is something about $#%&!@*sexuality that christians are hung up on and cannot let go. They can let go of shaving, eating shellfish, allowing women to teach and hold positions as equals of men, wearing blended fabrics, eating pork, working on the sabbath, and even heterosexual perversion and $#%&!@*, but not $#%&!@*sexuality. All of these things are sins in teh bible, but only one is held as one still almost universally, and it is the only one that has been scientifically shown to not be a choice.
But if you do not believe in science, please turn in your smart phone, your computer, your car, and any technology you own. You cant have it both ways. Those items are the result of the same science I believe in. There is no difference, the same methodology is used, regardless of the problem being approached. Its called the scientific method. And the great thing about science, its true whether you believe in it or not.
Can we start with you, the parasites that have no understanding of the cons$#%&!@*ution?
Trump would be the end of this nation.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
I guess you’re one of those pedophiles that condone this type of behavior?? Sounds like it to me!! Defending perversion!!!
I keep seeing posts about homosexuals being perverted and wanting to get to your kids. And Christianity is such a fraud. You hear every other day on the news about a priest or a pastor being charged with child sexual abuse. If you all really cared about your children you would keep them away from churches.