Watch as CEO of California’s Ares Armor explains why the ATF raided his businesses last week, despite the company bending over backwards to legally cooperate. It is tough to make a federal agency happy if you are unwilling to compromise the privacy of your customers!
“This isn’t just a second amendment issue, it’s not just a firearms issue. It’s an issue of an overreaching government that wants to come into your kitchen, that wants to come into your living room, and just see what you’re doing,” said Dimitrios Karras in an interview with Reason TV.Karras says the true reason for the ATF’s piqued interest in his shop was his refusal to relinquish the list of customers who had purchased the polymer product. He sat down with Reason TV’s Tracy Oppenheimer to discuss why he plans to continue fighting the ATF to maintain his customers’ privacy and other Constitutional issues at stake.
“They have trampled on the entire Bill of Rights,” Karras says.
Source: Reason TV
People better get their $#%&!@* to gether FAST !!!!!!!!!
Like democrats say vote and vote often
This is what you get when you let people run things when they feel they are victims of this country and want to ruin it. ie Obama and Holder
Disband the ATF now, it is a duplicate agency anyway !
The ATF is WAY out of line on this. Why don’t they just go ahead and put on their brown $#%&!@*s and swastikas. They don’t seem to have any trouble stomping all over the Bill of Rights or any other laws they don’t care if they trash. Kind of makes you wonder how much truth there was to the WACO thing where they killed all those people? Government gone bad.
i agree with Grady !!
ATF, IRS, NSA it just goes on an on with Government agencies trampling your Rights, BO and His Chicago Mob started all of this and he is still around, Surprises Me !!
Join us to end it. Operation American Spring, D.C., May 16-?, 2014. Official site:
GOD bless Ares.