Watch as CEO of California’s Ares Armor explains why the ATF raided his businesses last week, despite the company bending over backwards to legally cooperate. It is tough to make a federal agency happy if you are unwilling to compromise the privacy of your customers!
“This isn’t just a second amendment issue, it’s not just a firearms issue. It’s an issue of an overreaching government that wants to come into your kitchen, that wants to come into your living room, and just see what you’re doing,” said Dimitrios Karras in an interview with Reason TV.Karras says the true reason for the ATF’s piqued interest in his shop was his refusal to relinquish the list of customers who had purchased the polymer product. He sat down with Reason TV’s Tracy Oppenheimer to discuss why he plans to continue fighting the ATF to maintain his customers’ privacy and other Constitutional issues at stake.
“They have trampled on the entire Bill of Rights,” Karras says.
Source: Reason TV
Tha ATf is not part of the federal government, it’s part of the federal reserve..
they derive their powers through the tax code as for
Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire arms are federally taxed items.
sounds like we have a sick govt policy to c**p on its people…
more c**p
Just more justification to EXTERMINATE federal officials.
more rouge government tramping on your bill of rights we need their list of all armed officers names and addresses to be used as a security measure and if they don’t comply they should be raided by the military who should be in authority not these so called wanna be gestapo agents
You people in office BETTER STOP PUSHING us around because we will rebel. We have long memories don’t forget we are the voting public and we see through your lies. I know that you rely on the ignorant people in this State for their vote, but that will soon stop.
The viper is hitting home with these threat to our rights and freedoms . How long will it take before anyone believes me that your lives are being altered by the gov. There trying to get marshal law in place . Those camps , military stock piling ammo food and they know where you live what you know as well .before the year is out was Will be upon us the recession will be at its all time low , who can’t see this coming forth
get ready because they aint listening
they think they are above the law