Although Christmas is universally celebrated across America and is a federally recognized holiday the Obama regime has directed the military to forbid personnel to say “Christmas”.
Armed forces officials justified the order by explaining that not everyone celebrates Christmas, so soldiers referring to Christmas celebrations using the generic term “holiday”-themed festivities is a sign of respect for them.
The prohibition is not an isolated change, but may be the most noteworthy in the context of a sweeping push for political correctness in the military. Recent examples of serious consequences of this political correctness agenda in the military include Navy Chaplain Wes Modder who was reprimanded for simply discussing religion, as chaplains are wont to do, with military personnel.
See how servicemen have reacted to not being allowed to say Christmas at the link below:
Truth & Action you never fail to amuse. I have two words for all of you who follow Truth & Action – JADE HELM!!!!!!!!!
if you believe this youre a bigger fool than the fool that originally posted it. see, False you effing idiots…
Idiots never verify a meme, do you. Bald face lie.
He’s making every Christian very hard to like him! I dont
Merry Christmas OBOZZO
False report. Again!
Merry Christmas
And truth and is such a credible source. Merry Christmas!!!!!
Yeah, and I’m sure this article isn’t biased in any way. Come on, pe. Surely you can’t be that gullible.