Although Christmas is universally celebrated across America and is a federally recognized holiday the Obama regime has directed the military to forbid personnel to say “Christmas”.
Armed forces officials justified the order by explaining that not everyone celebrates Christmas, so soldiers referring to Christmas celebrations using the generic term “holiday”-themed festivities is a sign of respect for them.
The prohibition is not an isolated change, but may be the most noteworthy in the context of a sweeping push for political correctness in the military. Recent examples of serious consequences of this political correctness agenda in the military include Navy Chaplain Wes Modder who was reprimanded for simply discussing religion, as chaplains are wont to do, with military personnel.
See how servicemen have reacted to not being allowed to say Christmas at the link below:
John Stanley Only illogical to lobotomized liberals
Only a Radical Muslim “commander-in-chief ” can’t say ” MERRY CHRISTMAS”!
He is anti christ , he is pro muslim some annoying facts
Unconstitutional at best…and when you join ANY branch of the military you take a pledge to defend the CONSITIUTION-! Why oh Why are we allowing this man to occupy OUR HOUSE??? Even his OWN PARTY is sick of him!!-!
Obama can go back to his own country We need to put a stop to him now
This is a complete fabrication. Fact check it. So all these hateful comments are based on complete ignorance.
Good for you, Jeff. I can’t believe people actually believe this c**p. Ignorance is rampant in this country.
No I’m not a Christian, but I can see this going over just about as well as that no pork in prisons executive order that idiot tried to push earlier this year