Things sure have been heating up between the US and Russia lately, so why would Obama be giving them our military equipment?
Earlier this year Oklahoma Republican Jim Bridenstine helped uncover the yet another Obama scandal: Giving away high-level military equipment to the Russians.
In yet another criminal and treasonous act, and in the face of his ‘sanctions’, the US has been giving Russia ‘Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES)’.
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The Russians are our friends; don’t doubt his level or intel with security.
when is congress going to stop him from destroying our country.
Obama IS the enemy!
Fune.ding and arming our enemies seems to be his biggest accomplishment in
Arrest and prosecute!!!!
Okay, I have to say something about this one! I’m as much for bashing Obama as the next guy because I truly loathe the man. But giving this technology to another country is nothing to worry about! I worked for Bell Aerospace (Textron) years ago, on a system called The WESS (Weapons Engagement Scoring System). It used advanced (at the time) lasers and computer equipment to simulate large (Tank, and anti-tank, as well fire as small arms fire). It also kept track of where vehicles were during field exercises. The MILES system is a smaller scale refinement on that technology. Today, there isn’t a part in either system that can’t be found “on the shelf” at a multitude of electronic supply warehouses! The components may not be cheap, but they sure aren’t Top Secret or even classified anymore. Anyone who is competent in electronics and computer programming could build one of these systems in his home workshop in a matter of a weekend or so if he had the pocketbook to buy all the parts! And anyone who has ever played the live action games Photon or Lazer Tag has played with technology VERY similar to the WESS and MILES systems. So this little “news blurb” is not only wrong, it’s inflammatory! So while my hat is off to Oklahoma Republican Jim Bridenstine for keeping an eye on Obama, I suggest that Mr. Bridenstine check his facts a little more closely and that Truth and Action not always take things at face value just for their emotional impact. And just for the record, I agree with what Truth and Action posts far more often than I don’t! All I ask is that you keep your facts straight in order to maintain credibility!
With All This Said Why is he still there?????
High Treason !!!!!
The russians can kiss my ass!!!