Things sure have been heating up between the US and Russia lately, so why would Obama be giving them our military equipment?
Earlier this year Oklahoma Republican Jim Bridenstine helped uncover the yet another Obama scandal: Giving away high-level military equipment to the Russians.
In yet another criminal and treasonous act, and in the face of his ‘sanctions’, the US has been giving Russia ‘Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES)’.
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When will this criminal be ARRESTED? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Why would he do that?
Obama thinks our weapons are parting favors!
BUST HIS ASS UNDER ARREST ——————————————-GOOD: Top Attorney Drafts (Arrest while await for) Impeachment Papers for Barack H. Obama
With major scandals like Benghazi, IRS targeting, the secret VA waiting lists, and now the influx on USA open borders of Illegals with Terrorists, the movement to boot Obama out of office has hit the mainstream.
All the talk of impeachment is clearly justified. President Obama and his cronies have lied to the American people over and over again. He has violated his oath of office by (LIES) attempting to cover up the cause of Benghazi so he could win a second term as president.
He’s been called out for lying about Iraq, Benghazi, Obamacare, the VA scandal–essentially, every policy or action he’s taken. Now the most convincing testimony yet regarding this president’s dishonesty to the American people comes from an unexpected source: President Barack Obama himself.
The president has an evil arrogance toward the law, the Constitution believing that he is far above it as commander-in-chief, that his office gives him the authority to do what he wants. With all of these scandals coming to a head, and all of the opposition calling for his impeachment, perhaps the president and spineless Congress will get the message. The American people want their country back, and that starts with dethroning (Arrest) the would-be monarch.
And, if you believe those dieased children traveled THIS far 1,700 miles alone, with no money, food, water, assistance or protection you ARE a special kind of stupid!! These Illegals are democrats trojan horse to change political (VOTES) demographics!
There are numerous states that have grown tired of the terrible overreach by the massive leviathan that is the federal government. States are beginning to fight back by reclaiming their sovereignty and state’s rights under the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution.
The states are fighting back on multiple fronts by nullifying federal laws within their borders, including gun control, Obamacare, and NSA spying.
If the message still isn’t getting through, perhaps a new book by top attorney Andrew C. McCarthy will help drive home the point.
In his new book, McCarthy outlines seven articles of impeachment that build a solid legal case for removing the president from office.
Via Washington Examiner: In Faithless Execution, Andrew C. McCarthy makes the legal case to dump the president, but also hopes to build the political will in Congress and the nation to take the unusual move last used against former President Bill Clinton following the Monica Lewinsky affair.
“You have to make the public case that the president has to be removed,” said McCarthy. “I’m trying to make it,” he said.
McCarthy, a terrorism expert who prosecuted the so-called “blind sheik,” Omar Abdel Rahman, for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, charged that Obama and his administration are destroying the Constitution by ignoring some laws, using the Internal Revenue Service to harass conservative groups and making changes to Obamacare that don’t appear legal.
“The victims are people who care if America is the America of the Constitution,” he said at a small briefing about his book due for release June 3. Amazon is already selling it. McCarthy went on to give a stern warning to Americans, that if the president is not impeached, it could lead to even more lawless actions by the commander-in-chief. But he warned that if Congress and the nation simply turn the other way, the president will be gifted a “license” to make more potentially “lawless” moves. “I think you are going to see him put the pedal to the metal in a lot of ways,” said McCarthy.
Here are several of the articles of impeachment included in McCarthy’s book that build a strong case against the president.
— Refusal to execute laws faithfully. Willful disregard for congressionally enacted, constitutionally valid law, while dictating policy by executive fiat. Including multiple unilaterally decreed amendments to the Affordable Care Act in direct contravention of the law passed by Congress.
— Fraud on the American people. Deliberately misled the American people in the enactment and implementation of Obamacare, and on scandals from Fast & Furious to the IRS harassment of conservative groups to the Benghazi massacre.
— Failure to execute laws faithfully: Immigration. Granting amnesty through executive edict and refusing to enforce existing immigration laws.
— Refusal to secure America’s southern border. Willful and deliberate intends not to defend America’s sovereignty or deport the lawbreakers who have already crossed into this country, but rather to encourage further criminality and then provide aid and succor to the criminals, all at taxpayer expense.
McCarthy is absolutely right in calling for the president’s removal from office. The offenses he has listed are just the tip of the iceberg, and we must not let Barack Obama get away with believing he can do what he wants with the power he has been entrusted with. Many conservatives are afraid that if the president is impeached, things will be worse under Vice President Biden, but if action isn’t taken now, it is like giving Obama a license to do what he wishes, and he’ll gladly take us up on the offer.
It’s encouraging to see a distinguished and respected attorney put together this book, and hopefully it will convince those on the fence about the issue to support Obama’s impeachment.
Please share this article on Facebook and Twitter if you agree with Andrew McCarthy that President Obama has broken the law and should be (ARRESTED while waiting for) impeached.
Judge Jeanine: President needs to fix border mess he created
Guess that’s what Obama meant when he was overheard telling Putin he could do more after the election.
he is a trader to America why is he still in office
does anyone in congress know putin and the castros brothers are meeting i dont think thats a very good sign maybe someone in congress should check on this onother jkenndey crisis just saying
because you elected a Muslim as our president…that was illegal to begin with..I never voted for him, so don’t blame me for all this $#%&!@*…