Things sure have been heating up between the US and Russia lately, so why would Obama be giving them our military equipment?
Earlier this year Oklahoma Republican Jim Bridenstine helped uncover the yet another Obama scandal: Giving away high-level military equipment to the Russians.
In yet another criminal and treasonous act, and in the face of his ‘sanctions’, the US has been giving Russia ‘Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES)’.
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This cant for reals Obama is a piece of trash but this Come on
Has anyone noticed the recent Federal indictment on California State Rep. Leland for arms trafficking and corruption? If you haven’t, it’s not your fault, because most of the media won’t touch it. Leland has built his career on gun control, yet conspired with Indonesian terrorists to procure machine guns and RPGs for an undercover FBI agent. I wish I was making this up. This is the State of America. You should be angry. Remember in November.
I’m with mr ruby on this….not news
Obama the mental midget is no match for Putin. Very weak on foreign policy.
You can be sure he would give Putin anything to keep him from pushing him around. Him and Kerry are pure traitors to our country.
we need to stop this $#%&!@* before he gives our country away
America our once great nation is being destroyed by the liberals and Obama. Today he is promising to use OUR Oil and Gas to supply the European nations with oil that they were getting out if Russia. Its ours and we as a nation need it to supply our factories, our power plants , and homes, and cars. Also he wants to give our internet away to someone that would control what we write and read, Is that not what Adolf Hitler did to his people after he took their guns. This Dictator Barack Hussein Obama is destroying our nation over the past five years. If it had been anyone else we would have impeached him long ago, and he would be sitting in prison right now. People we are sitting back with our minds blinded to what is going on . Before long we may not have freedom to speak as I and many others are doing right now. They want to take our children and make little zombies out of them by teaching by a common-core in which they will belong to the government and encourage them to tell on their parents and anyone who tries to stand up against the ones in charge. Is that not what Puttin and the Muslim Brotherhood do. We need God back in this Country now, we have turned our backs and let Evil take over, it may already be too late . May God forgive us and open our eyes in the name of Jesus Christ we ask. Amen