Things sure have been heating up between the US and Russia lately, so why would Obama be giving them our military equipment?
Earlier this year Oklahoma Republican Jim Bridenstine helped uncover the yet another Obama scandal: Giving away high-level military equipment to the Russians.
In yet another criminal and treasonous act, and in the face of his ‘sanctions’, the US has been giving Russia ‘Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES)’.
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STILL NOT A WORD from Obama about our Marine held in Mexican prison for 103 days. And he tells you how much he cares.
Obama shows us again how much he cares for our military-sending the Pink Slip while they are right now fighting for our country…what a slap in the face. I bet deserter Bergdahl want be getting a pink slip
So this country is plagued with problems & what is Obama planning-YES another Vacation
Obama is still out there acting $#%&!@*y & telling LIES. He says that he has written less executive orders that Bush…yes he once again turns to Bush BUT THE FACT IS THIS. It is not about the # of orders it’s the legality of the orders. And I might just ask this question – WHAT have the Democrats actually done? NOTHING – just like Obama – they run their mouths & do NOTHING.
BooHoo to Pelosi & Reid – they are both slamming the SCOTUS because they didn’t like the vote.
–Who are going to get hurt by all of these illegals in OUR country. Yes it will be the poor & middle-class in this country.
Obama LIES again & again. Obama says after meeting in Texas about border problems – once again uses it to attack & blame GOP for everything. Bush did sign into law a bill that changed how we handled children from countries other than Mexico but it was Obama that then changed that law not to just cover children of sex trafficker but to all children. Obama also said that 50% of the $3.8 B would be for border security which is another LIE-only 7% will be used for securing our border. How much $$$’s have we wasted on problems but gotten no solution.
So Obama is out fund raising for Democrats & out for a beer & pool in Denver WHILE our country is being flooded w/illegals & drowning in debt. And we are paying for this. Anyone wonder why he is going to be known as 1 of the worst POTUS we have ever had?
174,000-YES-that is the # of illegals that have come since Oct 2013. But they only talk about the 56,000 that are children & large majority of these children are over the age of 15-WHY is no one talking about the 118,000 that are not children?
You hear from Obama that GOP is doing nothing well I ask what have the Democrats done – NOTHING.
So once again the LEFT is LYING to WOMEN. The LEFT calling this a war on women – they are so so wrong. Any woman can go to Planned Parenthood & get these 4 drugs for FREE. These are drugs that actually kill a fertilized egg.
VA send out memo to tell everyone to stand down & not talk. Is this not obstruction of justice?
Now the Millennial’s are losing faith in Obama at alarming rate. Even they see now that they have been LIED to & that he has FAILED.
13 times now SCOTUS has shut Obama down.
Our economy fell 2.9% in 1st quarter of 2014 – not since 2009 have we seen this.
Now 75% of Americans think that what the IRS did was intentional & the investigation should go on. So for the Dems I say that you are wrong when you try to tell us that no one cares about this. I think they know what was going on & possibly some of their names are on some of these document. Do they think we are STUPID? As Obama tells you how transparent he is while hiding everything. If he has nothing to hide then why now show us everything.
Let me ask this question – where are e-mails of Lerner asking to restore her information? Would not anyone ask for this? Koskinan say NO obstruction at the IRS. Anyone wonder why there is no information on anyone asking for there files to be restored. Only a fool would believe this story.
Ferriero, the Archivist of NARA, testified before Congress that the IRS “did not follow the law” when it failed to report the loss of 2 yrs of Lerner’s emails that had subpoenaed. Then asked, “But they didn’t do that?” Ferriero “That’s right.”
“Did they break the law?,” & Ferriero said “I do,”.
The reports are out now at the VA & it reported that 70% of VA facilities used secret waiting list. In 2011 they started the bonus program. I would like to know just who came up & passed along how to trick the waiting list system. They didn’t all think of the same thing.
Just when Obama needs something to look good for him – they get their hands on 1 of the Benghazi attackers. You know the guy that was hiding in plain site.
All I would say to Obama at this point is “When more of our troops die due to what you did-Their blood will be on Obama’s hands” To Obama & Kerry we say this-since they don’t seem to know-war is over when EVERY American is out of Afghanistan.
-Story was about Bergdahl’s health now story that Taliban said they would kill him if negotiations were leaked. They now say he was tortured – of course he was – would you trust a deserter?
-Hagel says that they didn’t negotiating w/terrorists they negotiated w/Qatar. DO THEY THINK WE ARE ALL STUPID? 90 Obama staff members were told about the trade but they refused to tell Congress.
-Some in Obama admin are saying that those that were actually there when Bergdahl deserted are LYING.
-Hagel says he has seen nothing about anyone killed looking for Bergdahl.
-Rice says Bergdahl says “He served with honor & dignity” when those that served w/him says he was a deserter.
-Bergdahl at 1 point during his captivity converted to Islam, fraternized openly with his captors & declared himself a “mujahid,” or warrior for Islam, according to secret documents prepared on the basis of a purported eyewitness account.
Obama says that we never leave a man behind. Guess he has forgotten about Benghazi.
Obama says “It’s my administration & I always take responsibility” What a joke
Now some Democrats say that Obama is Detached, Flat Footed & Incompetent. They will say anything at this point to be re-elected.
Obama’s admin secretive & dishonest; its callous disregard for the rule of law undermines our constitutional republic. Must ask Obama if he remembers taking an oath of office to uphold law & constitution NOT to change them without Congress.
Anything reported–Obama says that he didn’t know.
Again we ask–What the hell does Obama know? Plausible Deniability
Fast & Furious–Obama didn’t know-5 years still nothing.
Benghazi–Obama didn’t know-now documents show that Obama & Clinton LIED about the attack & Morrell gave St Dept cover. We also know that he was not in the situation room that night. All on ground said terrorists attack. CIA chose to listen to analyst in DC instead.
IRS–Obama didn’t know-now calling it a media scandal. DOJ says NO charges
NSA–Obama didn’t know
Obamacare not working–Obama didn’t know- Obama said he was not told DIRECTLY now there is a memo showing the White house was told 1 week prior to rollout of issues.
Going after AP & FOX reporters phone records because they were reporting things that Obama didn’t want known – Obama didn’t know
ICE reports 36,000 illegals released last year & 1,000’s have criminal records-even rape & murder.
VA scandal They say Obama found out reading newspaper but Obama & Biden were told 5 years ago that VA was inaccurately report wait times.
Obama always says he will get to the bottom of it & then what do we see–NOTHING. Obama continues to say “We will bring those responsible to justice”. And what have we seen – NO ONE held accountable.
By the way….this is 1 woman that does not support Obama or anything that he stands for! We will get the truth 1 day. My motto:”I WILL NOT COMPLY!” So I will continue to sing my song until he is gone… Please enjoy & start learning the words.
Obama is an idiot.
I think that it’s the white man doing what the white man does, for now he’s just hiding behind the black man.
Isn’t that treason !!
Lupe you are a jerk, if you can not see what is happening well you should go stick your head in the sand,Obama is and will take the U.S. out, why don’t you help him pack! Where are you from? Lol. Dingbat! Have a blessed day! God will bring us through this storm, you have something to say about that, feel free! 😀
Lupe,Obama has said he will not wait for Congress to act so he acts alone.Please Obama worse president ever.
Put the N****r in prison…
Who in Congress knew and when and Dempsey and Hagel knew. This is treason.
Miles is laser tag and very old..why is this in the new?