Things sure have been heating up between the US and Russia lately, so why would Obama be giving them our military equipment?
Earlier this year Oklahoma Republican Jim Bridenstine helped uncover the yet another Obama scandal: Giving away high-level military equipment to the Russians.
In yet another criminal and treasonous act, and in the face of his ‘sanctions’, the US has been giving Russia ‘Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES)’.
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can we please get rid of him
Keep it up m/m. You will be remembered and it may not be to your liking,
This is only Obama’s latest offense. Any other President with this long a list of laws broken or laws he refuses to enforce would have been fired long, long ago. The only thing that keeps him in office is the fact that he had dark skin. WAKE IP AMERICA BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!! Want to make a bet no one in the House of Representatives will have the guts to bring a Bill of Impeachment?
Thanks Obama, giving away our equiptment we may need to our enemy. What have you given to the Brotherhood we don’t know about besides money, we don’t have?
I just don’t understand why he has not been brought up on charges and thrown in the clink forever. He is one of the most CRIMINAL Presidents that we have ever had.
How does this man have so much power that he can’t be arrested for treason???!
because he is not American, and he is black. since he is not American he says he don’t have to follow our laws, that makes him an illegal person in the whitehouse and not a real president.
I hope a foreign government will put a contract out on him, the same as he had done more than once… Just wishin…
O’Bama is a bum and out to destroy America. Don’t let his speeches fool you anymore he don’t care if your black, white, asian, american indian, whoever he wants to destroy america. He doesn’t even believe in God unless it helps his cause. i feel sorry for his kids.