Things sure have been heating up between the US and Russia lately, so why would Obama be giving them our military equipment?
Earlier this year Oklahoma Republican Jim Bridenstine helped uncover the yet another Obama scandal: Giving away high-level military equipment to the Russians.
In yet another criminal and treasonous act, and in the face of his ‘sanctions’, the US has been giving Russia ‘Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES)’.
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The firing squad sounds good to me !!!
Someone needs to pop a bullet in his $#%&!@*ing head
When is something going to be done to stop this treasonous Muslim . I am tired of all the worthless talk.
Robert — Pick up a weapon, go to Washington and take your best shot. Whining doesn’t change anything.
Obama needs to be Arrested by the F.B.I. for this and many other Treasonous acts against the United States of America .There are no doubts that these are the actions of a Traitor . Someone in authority must act upon this now ! Thank You, A Citizen of the United States of America.
It Is Impeachable
They have already proved that they are going to do nothing to stop him. If we the people want it stopped we the people will have to do it.
if i had any money i would pay to have obama killed and reid and piglosi and all politicans across the usa. we need true americans running this country not greedy politicians.
lock and load
He should be brought up on charges for treason! And hung or put in front of a fireing squad!