Things sure have been heating up between the US and Russia lately, so why would Obama be giving them our military equipment?
Earlier this year Oklahoma Republican Jim Bridenstine helped uncover the yet another Obama scandal: Giving away high-level military equipment to the Russians.
In yet another criminal and treasonous act, and in the face of his ‘sanctions’, the US has been giving Russia ‘Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES)’.
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WTF Barry?
Because obama is Isis and wants to destroy america
Alot of people do not pay any attention to what is happening
Patrice, you do not live in the USA so your thoughts mean nothing. And you are so very wrong. This is our land ..our country and our USA.
Nothing is “free.” Military equipment and vehicles are paid for and furnished upon the backs of hard-working American tax payers.
Bs this country was stolen
America was built off lies and deceit
Oh my Goodness!! Why the heck isn’t he impeached and prosecuted??? Please someone do something about this immoral treasonous s$#%&!@*!!!!!
These two are starting to look alike!!!
Number one Obama is half white and a democrat. Number two, even if you still believe that the people elect the president after 95% of congress was re-elected after having an 11% approval rating, democratic states like cali and the large minority turn out in the voting booths could get a half black president elected after the embarr$#%&!@*ment of George w. Now for some more facts.. America has always tried to hide it’s race problem and your logic is a product of the small percentage of black people put in positions so people like you say there can’t be a race problem. Meanwhile blacks are 14% of the population and 40% of unarmed people killed by police while the media freaks portrays riots in Ferguson and Baltimore as the majority of activity when both Ferguson and Baltimore were mostly peaceful demonstrations met with militarized police with military vehicles. Another fact is the war on drugs has disproportionately affected communities of color. Countless studies have shown that people of color have been victims of m$#%&!@* incarceration due to racist drug law practices like crack cocaine which was mostly in black communities carrying longer sentences than powdered cocaine mostly used by rich white people. You would need 100 time a more powdered cocaine to receive the same sentence. Historically this country has used drug laws to lock up minorities from opium for the Chinese and marijuana being made illegal because mexicans smoked it. Meanwhile we are taught a white supremacist version of history that doesn’t mention ancient nubia, the black pharaohs of ancient Egypt, or that the us government was founder guilty in a civil trial of the $#%&!@*ination of MLK JR