Harry Reid has run 52 ranchers out of business so far, just like their recent efforts with Cliven Bundy, because of his ownership in Reid Bunkerville, LLC, which holds 93 acres in Nevada.
The parcels seem to be in the way of future development with the Chinese, which may even involve a freeway interchange and loop, and all sit west of the same general area as the land where all these ‘trespassing cattle’ graze.
We all know that the Reid crime syndicate had ulterior motives for the attacks on Cliven Bundy. Here’s the proof.
Below are the parcel numbers of land which the Clark County Assessors Office lists as owned by Reid Bunkerville, LLC, who coincidentally updated their company records on April 17, 2014. The parcel map with ownership data will be shown for the three parcels Reid Bunkerville, LLC owns, below the linked parcel numbers.
REID BUNKERVILLE L L C DST-901 #002-26-301-002
REID BUNKERVILLE L L C DST-800 #002-26-301-004
REID BUNKERVILLE L L C DST-800 #002-26-301-005
REID BUNKERVILLE L L C DST-800 #002-26-701-001
To put some of this into context and to provide readers a starting point on why parcels and ownership listings are not only important but should be researched extensively, please note that three of those four parcel numbers above are listed as Bunkerville jurisdiction, where Mr. Cliven Bundy’s ranch is located.
Parcels above and below are listed as owned by USA, jurisdiction listed as Mesquite, two examples of that shown below.
USA #002-26-202-001
USA #002-26-301-001
The last one listed above for Reid Bunkerville, LLC, (REID BUNKERVILLE L L C DST-800 #002-26-701-001) directly borders another parcel in Bunkerville, and shows the “owner” as Bureau of Land Management (BLM), not the USA as the examples above are.
REID BUNKERVILLE L L C DST-800 #002-26-701-001
According to descriptions of the BLM, their job is to “administer” or “manage” public lands, yet they are listed as “owners” of the parcel directly connected to the Reid Bunkerville parcel.
It is also noteworthy that a Google map from Mesquite Nevada, through Bunkerville, down to Riverside, goes up to a fully functional and built intersection that loops back around to Mesquite, shown in the image below.
Zoning and development are driven by “business loops”, which use high speed intersections from freeways that cost taxpayers millions of dollars. These can instantly raise property values for landowners in the right place who know where the development is going to happen. Decisions for the infrastructure are controlled by state and local and generally involve money from the federal government.
Below is a comprehensive report of properties owned by Reid Bunkerville Trust and Reid Bunkerville LLC, showing over 30 properties in the Bunkerville and Mesquite area.
he needs to be removed from his land so the turtle ..( or was it a tortoise )..can have plenty of space to roam
impeach harry reid
he probably stole those 93 acres from some one else too
Harry Reid owns his land and can do with it what he wants. Bundy isnt paying his grazing bills which he agreed on years ago. He is bogus.
Cattle Rustler!
reid must be stopped, and made to give back the land he has stolen from other ranchers and should be fined very heavy for his crimes and maybe even a few years in prison.
I had heard that Reid and his pathetic son were trying to shove the Bundy’s off of Federal property because they had “sold” it to the Chinese. But, until this morning, I had not heard this. I also know that for years politicians have enriched themselves through eminent domain (knowing ahead the land that would be condemned by the government). What they would do is buy up these huge parcels of land for a STEAL then when eminent domain kicked in, would bargain with the Feds. First, it is dispicable how much Federal land is in America; next it is dispicable what this pig, Harry Reid has done. He needs to be ARRESTED and Charged with Treason. Happy trails!
Bundy has been ranching there for years and his family was grandfathered in. Yeah that’s just what we need is to let china come in an put up big windmills for renewable energy. America needs to worry about America and senators like Reid need to be sent to China to live and get rich off of us. The farmers and ranchers are our nations heart and if we give our land up we will as a whole country die from no food. There won’t even be a bread or soup line to go to if we let our country go.