Good ole inept number 43, George W. Bush, the establishment globalist “Republican” who mislead the public on the possession of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, did far more than pave the way for his predecessor Barack Hussein Obama to enable the spread of ISIS. But, all he cares about these days is how much more popular he has become among the deranged left since number 45, President Donald John Trump assumed the Presidency.
Whereas most true Conservatives find little to attack the President with politically, George W. seems to see things, well, very differently.
To the ‘old school’ establishment Republican puppets, i.e. the Bush family, President Trump is something of a source of glee to them.
I always knew it, Bush Jr. whispered to his faithful teddy bear curled-up on the bed. I knew one day peoples would see me for who I weally is, an artistic soul who weally was helping the Deep State all along, even when mean jealous donkeys tried telling me I is no good with wurds. Isn’t that wight Mr. Bear?
Continue to the next page to hear the remarks Bush Jr. has reportedly been sharing in private regarding the current President Donald John Trump
You are nothing but a cheap filthy piece of garbage.
Nothing can make you look good, a$$h@£€!
Can’t believe I voted twice for this little weasel. Guess I didn’t have much of a choice.
I use to really liked George Bush and supported him .But his true color’s are coming out . He remand silent for 8 years as Obama weaken , divided and did his best to destroy America . And because President Trump is not bought and paid for and can’t be controlled by corrupt politicians and corrupt lobbyist and special interest group’s and who is totally against GLOBALISM George Bush open’s his mouth and show’s his true color’s of a corrupt bought and paid for , Globalist ..
Nope. Obama made you look good. President Trump shines light on how bad you really were!!
It’s easy to understand why former president BUSH was silent for 8 YEARS… he had nothing to fear… Now however PRESIDENT TRUMP is making him look terrible…
NO, George W. Trump makes you look like the one who wants the NWO above all else. You receive a D- for a grade.
This guy is a pure f**e as a sincere politician. All his family ever knew was how to screw the people and get more money for themselves. He lied about 911 and still lies about it to this very day. Look up the Bush family history and you will be ashamed of him. I am an Independent and really wonder sometime where in the hell do these two corrupt parties of ours dig up such awful candidates to choose from?
Bushes are globalists who are self serving. They are a family of creeps .
No he looks better than you any day