The free and international trade that he cited as well may have free for others in the international community, but for American corporations, it was neither free nor lucrative. In fact, American businesses were punished by severe taxes and levies from other countries, while our competitors from abroad were barely taxed in a reciprocated manner. Why do you think that so many corporations up and moved their businesses abroad? It was less expensive to ship stuff into the US than out of it.
As for immigration, Trump and his supporters have never been against immigration. That’s a long-held outright lie that has been propagated and exists even in RINO circles to advance the notion that we are not welcoming of LEGAL immigrants. Far from being the truth, we are in total opposition to illegal aliens becoming citizens in order to vote Democrat and work for next to nothing for the Republicans.
“We’ve seen nationalism distorted into nativism, and forgotten the dynamism that immigration has always brought to America,” he lamented.
“Bigotry seems emboldened, our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication,” he said. “There are some signs that support for democracy itself has waned especially for the young.”
Nativism is code in Leftist society for racism. It appears that Bush is now perusing the “Rules for Radicals” literature. The “signs that support for democracy…has waned…for the young” might be that he’s referring to the fact that Leftist polls are suggesting that the American Dream is dead. More likely, and without him realizing, Bush was actually referring to the Antifa crowd, who with a 100% certainty does not believe in democracy.
But Bush’s criticism wasn’t merely on Trump’s “America First” political ideology. He also criticized the tone of the American political system led by Trump.
“We’ve seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty,” he lamented, noting that “argument turns too easily into animosity” and “disagreement escalates into dehumanization.”
He criticized the rise of “bullying and prejudice” in national politics, suggesting that the country lacked positive role models.
“Disagreement escalates into dehumanization?” Like when Black Lives Matter says that cops much die? Or when radical Islamic terrorists are literally cutting the heads off of Christians? That kind of degraded discourse? Or when the Left is calling for the assassination of Trump…on multiple levels and platforms and in various ways? That kind of bullying and prejudice?
Or is it more like when Antifa is smashing storefront windows and bringing down local power grids and beating up bystanders and committing arson, or stabbing people with machetes, tasering cops or setting them on fire with Molotov cocktails, or turning over squad cars? That sort of bullying?
Or perhaps it’s more like the Black and Brown students in universities across the United States who are demanding that White students leave the campus on certain days, or are excluded from certain events on school grounds? That kind of prejudice?
The former president looped in a condemnation of white supremacy as part of his speech, suggesting that it was a growing threat in Trump’s America.
“Bigotry or white supremacy in any form is blasphemy against the American creed,” he said.
He called for a restoration of American norms in society.
American norms. Like when we used to stand for the National Anthem at sporting events? Like when the military was the military and didn’t have transgenders demanding taxpayer-paid sex-reassignment surgeries? Like when journalism took every person who broke the law to task in the newspapers and on television, instead of only one party? Like when politicians swore an oath to uphold the Constitution instead of attempting to thwart its rights and amendments? Like when it was okay to place a Nativity scene outside in public, or a statue of a Confederate soldier without the threat of vandalism? Like when cops were respected for the extremely dangerous and tough jobs that they do on a daily basis and not taken over by the Department of Justice and called racists? Or like when American soldiers had all the most updated gear at their disposal when they went to war?
“Our identity as a nation, unlike many other nations, is not determined by geography or ethnicity, by soil or blood,” he said. “Being American involves the embrace of high ideals and civic responsibility.”
Really? So calling on a White privilege tax has no basis in ethnicity or blood? Asking that White residents of a city in California to not attend their own town hall meetings so that the proceedings can be initiated in Spanish…that’s not based on ethnicity or blood? Asking that the US being demarcated along a northern/southern border line somewhere in the center so that “people of color” can have the lower half to themselves and Whites can remain in the north…that’s not based on ethnicity or soil? So when Elizabeth Warren claimed to be Native American and got preferential treatment to get into Harvard…that’s wasn’t based on blood? And the call for SATs that are racist against people of color…that’s not based on ethnicity? How about those protests in the NFL, NHL, MLB, and NBA, and now in high schools and colleges across the nation…that’s not based on ethnicity? How about the titles of African-American, Indian-American, Native American, Irish-American…that’s not based on geography, soil, ethnicity or blood?
Bush’s decision to publicly criticize Trump’s presidency is unusual after he made a point of rarely challenging President Barack Obama while he was in office.
Isn’t it interesting that the Leftist press is 100% in favor of this “very wise man’s” vision and statements after wanting him dead, out of office, or thrown in prison (or all of the above) since the moment he “stole the presidency from Al Gore?”
It’s truly amazing the grand display of hypocrisy that’s being demonstrated here. Now that Steve Bannon has come out against the RNC and basically said that the old ways of corruption, cronyism, lobbying and special interests are dead and that we’ll be primary-ing all of the Establishment hacks, both George W. Bush (who barely issued a peep when Obama was shredding the Constitution and inciting race wars and the assassinations of cops) and Barack Obama came out on the same night to denounce Trumpism and everyone who supported it.
I’m beginning to believe that Steve Bannon has struck a nerve and they are…SO…VERY…SCARED!
Thank Goodness.
Update: Bannon hits back at Bush
Ex-White House Advisor Steve Bannon hits back at George W Bush after the former President denounced bigotry at a speech in New York.
— Channel 4 News (@Channel4News) October 21, 2017
Source: Breitbart
The “deplorables” voted for you, Mr. Bush. This is how you stand up for us now.?! I am more than disgusted with you and all of the RINOs you represent. I certainly wish I could rescind my votes
George w. atimend H..W. are ones who signedin the New World Order and Agenda 21.look it up, what it really means, will shock you. They are destroying American sm. Business taking property, and the list goes on.
It seems bushes been able to do something he wasn’t able to do in office, get unanimous bipartisan agreement oh, that he’s a dumbass.
George, you have a very short memor! J j
Shut up Bush!!
No Globalism period, and I actually voted for you twice, just go away and be quite like you did with King Obama, if this BS is about your brother, your brother is and was to weak to be President in this world. President Trump 2020
The whole Bush family… a DISGRACE TO AMERICA….
George, So sorry you have turned your back on President Trump. Forget your Globolism. America needs to regain the strength it once held. What you and especially Obama frittered away.
It’s easy to criticize when you aren’t responsible for anything. W you know better, please at least act Presidential, and let them hate you for the right reasons and be an American , support your President
Shame on you George Bush … one world government ! Oh my gosh …. just goes to show us. This has been going on long before no wax but I didn’t realize how deep you were in it ….. thanks for nothing but deceit !!!