Something must be very wrong in America for our justice system to call people who commit crime victims and people who are victimized by crime criminals.
It sounds ludicrous, but a case out of Portland shows that the courts are amenable to such blatant nonsense. This is what Dunkirk resident David McLaughlin learned almost certainly to his chagrin when he found himself charged and convicted by such a court.
McLaughlin was minding his own business when he discovered that someone had broken into his garage. The intruder, David A. Bailey, had entered McLaughlin’s home with intent to make off with some of his property, as authorities later confirmed.
Doing what anyone would do when they find a potentially-dangerous intruder in their home, McLaughlin grabbed his gun and fixed it on Bailey. Realizing his mistake, Bailey attempted to flee the scene, but not before McLaughlin shot him in the arm.
Despite clearly being in the wrong, Bailey thinks he’s the victim. So much so, that he has taken McLaughlin to court for shooting him!
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Force in this case was justified. It’s not like this creep was playing football. He knew what he was doing and what he was going to do to obtain that which was never his anyway he could.
Killem then use the wood chipper….mmhhhmmm
That’s just wrong.
Bad marksmanship on the homeowners part.
If you steal you might get shot
Shoot to kill
Should have killed em and then he wouldn’t have been able to sue but I am sure that even though he was breaking the law some damn liberal jury or judge will award his sorry$#%&!@*a lot of money. Our justice system is very broken and needs to be repaired starting with the asswipe in the peoples white house and on down. They have made it so that many think it is OK to hate and have no respect for police and the law.
Next time shoot to kill!
If you shoot, shoot to kill. Then they can’t sue you………………
Good thing I’m not on that jury, that pinhead would get doddle.