What the heck are those bulges underneath that bright green pant suit you are wearing Hillary? You know the one you wore when you couldn’t walk up the steps without assistance back in February? The suit that is in the viral photo that adds to the speculation that not all is well with your health?
A private fundraiser was held at the house of Lisa and Joseph Rice in Charleston, SC. A picture of Hillary needing strong-armed assistance to walk up several steps has given more visual evidence that something is seriously wrong with Hillary.
Her health appears to be a very real issue, with brain glitches that result in confused speech and disconnected thoughts, the inability to walk unassisted at times, and her chronic cough.
However, Hillary will become president, even if it kills her, and it appears with her health issues becoming less easy to hide from the public, it will kill her.
Though her doctor, Dr. Bardack, gave her a clean bill of health back on July 28, 2015 in a letter stating she was fit to run for president, her behavior suggests otherwise.
A neurologist, viewing the recent health issues displayed by Hillary, such as her exceptionally long bathroom break during the debate, suggests that Clinton is demonstrating signs of post-concussion syndrome. This disorder can “severely impact her cognitive abilities”
Check out the video that shows the bulges on her back under that bright green pantsuit on the next page. Some suggest that it is a life saving vest. What do you think?
She;s a bloody vampire – a pedophile and a pedovore – she has Kuru disease among other serious
mental problems. I have zero sympathy or interest in her as a decent human being. I hope she rots in hell for the malevolent and brutal things she has done to children and babies.
The video are not available, so what is she hidding? The 400 million dollars maybe.
It looks to me she wearing body armor. There are better fitting types available.
She wears pantsuits to hide her cankles…
I guess God is tired if her lying and muder and all the corruption her and hussein obama has been doing while in government.
It’s God time to take the bitch out.
Shame on you killary
You will be going straight to HE’LL WITH HUSSEIN
She didn’t return to herself completely after transforming from a dragon, those are her wings! But she is still blowing smoke up everyone bottom end! 8 – )
Turtle Shell
This is ridiculous! What about it being a simple Flack Vest? Running for President, it should be obvious that she would want bullet proof protection
Vests do not have bulges, IDIOT, bet they even voted for the liar.
FLAK VEST? do you even know what you are talking about. How many bullet proof vest have bulges? NONE. No one would wear a flak vest when worried about bullets. FLAK is from explosives, Shrapnel is all a flask vest is good for.
If you look there is slack in it. The vest doesn’t fit right. So it’s not a bullet proof vest
It could be money bags.