What the heck are those bulges underneath that bright green pant suit you are wearing Hillary? You know the one you wore when you couldn’t walk up the steps without assistance back in February? The suit that is in the viral photo that adds to the speculation that not all is well with your health?
A private fundraiser was held at the house of Lisa and Joseph Rice in Charleston, SC. A picture of Hillary needing strong-armed assistance to walk up several steps has given more visual evidence that something is seriously wrong with Hillary.
Her health appears to be a very real issue, with brain glitches that result in confused speech and disconnected thoughts, the inability to walk unassisted at times, and her chronic cough.
However, Hillary will become president, even if it kills her, and it appears with her health issues becoming less easy to hide from the public, it will kill her.
Though her doctor, Dr. Bardack, gave her a clean bill of health back on July 28, 2015 in a letter stating she was fit to run for president, her behavior suggests otherwise.
A neurologist, viewing the recent health issues displayed by Hillary, such as her exceptionally long bathroom break during the debate, suggests that Clinton is demonstrating signs of post-concussion syndrome. This disorder can “severely impact her cognitive abilities”
Check out the video that shows the bulges on her back under that bright green pantsuit on the next page. Some suggest that it is a life saving vest. What do you think?
EXO SKELETON: Why haven’t we seen any More/New/Modern pictures of Hillary up close? Maybe this has something to do with it?: Hillary has a Medical situation, She fell down earlier in the year and had smashed her head severely which put her out for a while (this has happened 3 times), Her family has a history of Heart Attacks resulting in Death, she has had Blood Clots and is on Blood thinner, then her eyes are crossing more and more, then there’s the Seizures…Oh the Seizures (Which seem to be set off when she hears any loud and sudden noises), Then, Recently her Secret Service team had to intervene because she was talking incoherently and was confused, she cannot even ascend a flight of stairs without assistance on both sides. She needs urgent medical attention. And she’s becoming more Disoriented by the day. She’s now wearing ‘Hardware’ to help her amble, but she still needs ‘Handlers’ to stabilize her. How can she even think about being the POTUS if she cannot even have the Stamina to stand at her own Rallies, She needs a Chair now, plus, She is required to wear Glasses to correct her Seizures. Ever notice that she’s wearing her Heavy Pants Suits even in the hottest of weathers? You wouldn’t do that unless you are hiding something. And now Hillary’s been canceling her Campaign stops and you hardly see her standing, and even if she does, there is a chair near by. http://www.libertywritersnews.com/2016/08/hillarys-health-records-just-leaked-say-will-ruin/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kmRB4a33_o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_8AO5MDBEw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqbDBRWb63s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXXy4bvCHFE
Kevlar vest
stacks of bribery money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
medical device or bulletproof vest,i worry more about the bulge in her brain and eyeballs she glares at us with,when lieing,watch them expand as she weaves to a pointed question requiring an answer.
Hook ups for Soros’ puppet strings !
Heart pacemaker? And how many secret service agents would it take to carry her up or down the steps of Air Force One while the world watches?
Combination defibrilator and bullet proof vest.