A blind mystic named Baba Vanga from Bulgaria made a set of dire predictions for the future before her death in 1996. The scary thing is, 85% of the time, Baba Vanga’s predictions have come true.
Whether you believe in the supernatural or not, the accuracy rate of Baba Vanga is unnerving – if it is indeed true.
So first, why trust a Bulgarian mystic in the first place? Well, it appears that Baba Vanga made several preditions that were far ahead of her time that were true. She predicted the devastating tsunami of 2004, that a black man would become America’s 44th president and even 9/11.
She also predicted a “great Muslim war,” which resonates with the latest rising tide of Islamic extremism sweeping the Middle East. The invasion of Europe, and the subsequent violence which will bend the continent to its knees, is supposed to begin next year in 2016, but she made it decades ago.
Find out what Baba Vanga predicted about the invasion of Europe on page 2.
are we goin back to square one ??
Merkel needs to be taken out
Article said she did predict 9-11, it was the two brothers being attacked by two steel birds.
The great muslim war would be between Iran and Saudi Arabia…..
Then .repent and.Go back to Jesus soon, so that you are ready to be with Him once the muslims behead you for NOT converting to their cult.
Louie Pate
Islam is not a religion or a race. It is an illegitimate organized group of murderous thugs and has been since it began. Their modus operandi is always the same. The videos in the links are about Islam. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_Qpy0mXg8Y . There is more here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Uu4XnRS1hiz3JCpNFIuUg/videos . Watch the first one. The second link has many more videos by Dr. Bill Warner. There now is an adendum to Dr. Warner’s videos from a different source I feel obligated to include http://rightwingnews.com/islam/brutal-meme-reveals-harsh-truth-about-muhammed-islam-refugees-it-explains-everything/ .
We need to get rid of these tick turds for good.
That’s what I heard too..