A blind mystic named Baba Vanga from Bulgaria made a set of dire predictions for the future before her death in 1996. The scary thing is, 85% of the time, Baba Vanga’s predictions have come true.
Whether you believe in the supernatural or not, the accuracy rate of Baba Vanga is unnerving – if it is indeed true.
So first, why trust a Bulgarian mystic in the first place? Well, it appears that Baba Vanga made several preditions that were far ahead of her time that were true. She predicted the devastating tsunami of 2004, that a black man would become America’s 44th president and even 9/11.
She also predicted a “great Muslim war,” which resonates with the latest rising tide of Islamic extremism sweeping the Middle East. The invasion of Europe, and the subsequent violence which will bend the continent to its knees, is supposed to begin next year in 2016, but she made it decades ago.
Find out what Baba Vanga predicted about the invasion of Europe on page 2.
Are you. Arabien good luck
Let’s hope she’s wrong about the 44th being the last President!!!
Times are hard when your getting your news from blind retards what’s next carrier pigeons
Then says that America would use a climate change weapon against the new caliphate based in Rome…
She says the population in Europe will go to zero yet the world economy will thrive under Islam. I don’t think so.
So should I also look for the Easter bunny?
Europeans are stupid.
It will destroy. U. S. A do you pater nustrum the devil is confused with Latin
Since they get their info from the Devil, and it’s his people doing the invading, this was a slam dunk