A Dakota fire hole requires much less firewood and burns more efficiently, producing hotter fires with less wood. This makes it a very valuable wilderness survival technique in places where firewood is scarce or requires much effort to obtain.
It also creates a stable platform that is very convenient for cooking.
The fire is concealed within a hole limiting the amount of visible light emitted and smoke is also decreased because the wood is burning hotter and more efficiently.
Thank you learned a lot
Keep em coming!!
Jamie Dalferro
An idea for camping
can I have one of those burning sticks to jam it into my eye? 13 minutes that I will never get back.
Never heard of the Dakota Fire Hole until now. I like it.
Used to use this when I was a kid. Made the feeder hole smaller and slanted it from the side so we could blow into it and make the fire hotter. Won a water boiling contest when I was in Boy Scouts (back when they were heterosexual).
Great info!
Repeated everything at least twice..but, TY for the info…!
Brian Hinson this is awesome. No stove needed. Less stuff