Is there such a thing as a battery that can last forever? It appears there just might be!
It’s called Crystal Power Cells, created by Canadian scientist John Hutchinson, who has been exploring free energy and anti-gravity.
The power seems to be generated through the piezoelectric effect, which generates electricity through vibrations of ambient heat or ambient radiation from the sun. Each power cell generates less than a volt at around 60 miliamps, but they promise to continuously provide power for an indefinite amount of time.
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Now that is a worthy invention to look into…
I’m off to build one.
Gotta try this…
Worth knowing how to do.
It’ll be sad if they get killed by the big battery giants!! Just like the people that get killed when they make an engine that runs off water!!
Cool. Wonder if I really works.
Government and big business would never allow this to go too far
Mark have you seen this?
Its not big business we need to fear, its government. Watch how fast they tax it
or band its use