Is there such a thing as a battery that can last forever? It appears there just might be!
It’s called Crystal Power Cells, created by Canadian scientist John Hutchinson, who has been exploring free energy and anti-gravity.
The power seems to be generated through the piezoelectric effect, which generates electricity through vibrations of ambient heat or ambient radiation from the sun. Each power cell generates less than a volt at around 60 miliamps, but they promise to continuously provide power for an indefinite amount of time.
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This is physically possible…
Piezoelectric effect is when pressure is applied to certain crystals it creates an charge and magnetic field.
A timing circuit is a crude example. quartz, coil, and a capacitor. Charge the cap til it fires, sending electricity to the coil which induces pressure, which creates a magnetic and electric charge which charges the cap, rinse and repeat. But it slowly dissipates and needs to be recharged.
He has this, combined with other solid compound that naturally create a charge when combined to supplement.
JC McCgillucuddy says:
“Great technology but it’s only scratching the surface, we all need to do is think a bit bigger. It’s there ya just gots to see it and when we do watch out. It’s coming, my gears are turning :-)”
It might be workable, but will it be practical?
That would be great to put an end to the greedy power com,s that just suck us dry for there power then we all might be able to save a little something for our kids
Nothing is free…
Passive solar is free, except for the cost to build your own collectors and storage system.
Ashley Nelson Justin Nelson cool vid
Wow !!
Crystal energy! Sounds like something from Atlantis….