Police in Buffalo, N.Y., have set forth a plan to begin confiscating the firearms of legal gun owners within days of their deaths.
This is one more little step in the agenda that gun control advocates have embarked on to inch us closer and closer to complete disarmament.
Of course, a communist government is incompatible with an armed populace.
New enforcement of an old law on the books in one New York city highlights why it’s vital to be cautious and vigilant about firearms rights. Check out the full story and a video summary on the Next Page:
Would not obey that order. An illegal order
Perhaps, I do agree that in some cases, firearms and meds should be collected if the person dies and no next of kin are present. Don’t want neighborhood burglars to get free guns and dope. With family present, family has the say so. Prescriptions are different. When a person dies, their meds are contraband at that point.
How do they get to do that?
You need to see the town of Buffalo come on NRA
Too many People believe that registration is the law. It is not! The Constitution clearly states ” shall not infringe” that means no laws shall be passed against this amendment. Actually the ownership of guns by Felons under the Constitution is legal. All laws interfering with gun ownership is illegal and unConstitutional.
We will pray/23T-happy..
So this means only the bad guys will have guns. No way to defend yourselfs. I thought President Trump said you could keep your guns.
B******t !!!